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Everything posted by Gumpy

  1. he's got a bruise like a peach now! maybe he should call in sick
  2. yup...as is john....tobias....mole....they were late by like 45 mins....i was bang on time! arnt you proud
  3. +5 if you come to the flat tonight, john and I will be lonley otherwise
  4. whatever dude dove kissed a guy
  5. i should be listning to the lecturer.....
  6. look at the eyes!!!!!!!!!!!! mwha ha ha ha ha! honestly....he didn't do drugs.... <-----------------------------
  7. +15 for haigyman....for all that jazzy finger pointing
  8. i am fucking ace..bow down before me! because i fucking rule....yeah....aids
  9. i had a pair of plain black with butterflys and i got them at claires accessories. they are like 3 quid and you get them in a pack of 3 including a white pair and a black and white pair.
  10. you may of been chuffed with that but im still gonna kick ur ass
  11. do HMG really know how to get there groove on?!
  12. t'was a good night, im just the ultimate mic stand booyah!
  13. bah its not working for me either...ah well, i guess ill just have to get rass's ass in gear and make him get to work on the site eh? hehe
  14. i wont be there unfortunatly...gonna head down to ayr to see my lady! woop! hope you guys play awesome and if you dont perhaps a sacrafice could be in order...i choose rass
  15. i think im definatly gonna go and see it....did i just contradict myself...ah well anywhoo it looks far better than the sixth sense and team america, its so good im gonna go and see it...was lucky enough to see it about a month ago or so!
  16. i would say illicit still...its all cosy and shit...the food is a good price and still fills you up good and proper!
  17. this sucks...drakes is my favourite venue hands down. all the opportunitys it gave up and coming bands! gone are the days of a shite band being able to play a gig to then be fucking ace. this sucks. thanks drakes xxxxxx
  18. I see Tim Burton is set to release a remake of Charlie and the chocolate factory in the summer, starring johnny depp as willy wonka! Awesome! maybe you all knew this but i havnt been online in ages!
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