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Kan' Sharuminar

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Everything posted by Kan' Sharuminar

  1. Got the new Tom McRae album, King of Cards, which was really disappointing after his fantastic third album.
  2. If you're interested: pictures from the museum. My favourite is of the Arc floating away while the sinful humans cling on to the last rock left.
  3. Fantastic reason to get into Sagan I have no idea why I was recommended Pale Blue Dot, as the bulk of literature discussions I had had with the guy who recommended it were Second World War/History books, and hardly the future science/astronomy stuff that Sagan writes about. Good call, though, on his part - certainly gave me a new found interest in astronomy. Cassini-Huygens Project - Sagan touches upon it in Pale Blue Dot. It's wonderful to have constant updates nowadays for such things Speaking of which, After the Reich by Giles McDonogh is my current read. Spent enough time reading about Germany going to war, may as well find out what happened after.
  4. Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan. It was recommended to me, and given the picture it was based on I thought it was going to be some philosophy book about mankinds place in the universe. Turned out it kinda was, but at the same time it's a pretty fascinating account of mankind's recent(ish) forays into space, focusing on the Voyager missions and what they uncovered about Saturn and the outer planets. Gave me a new interest in astronomy, particularly given that some of the projects he briefly mentions (while they're in their infancy) are now coming about and I'm happily keeping track of nowadays
  5. Wii Sports is so much fun, particularly with friends - tis good fun to have a game of golf or tennis with the remote. Zelda also comes highly recommended. I think the bulk of Wii users are waiting for the new Super Smash Bros though
  6. He might be confusing it with the magnetic poles flipping (which has happened before) that will cause some problems, but nothing catastrophic. This has nothing to do with global warming, however, and if he is talking about some other form of pole-flipping, I'd be happy to hear it
  7. I quite liked Tate's character, and she could probably hold her own in the series (better than Martha). Not entirely sure I could stand a series of her though :lol: Davies has said he's wanted to bring back parts of classic Who in the new series - we've had Daleks, Cybermen and now The Master. Any ideas as to what might be brought back for this next one? I'm no expert on the old series to venture guesses.
  8. Captain Jack Harkness. Sparrow was the last name of the lass from Blink. Both, by the way, are mine.
  9. Ooh indeed. I do hope it's John Simms again, though On the Titanic though? Given my love of the ship, I'm going to have a whale of a time with the Christmas special.
  10. The problem I see with the finale was that it was so Martha-centred, in an episode where she was leaving. Had she been kept for the next series, it would have been fantastic to see her achieve what she did, then go onto the fourth series knowing she was the Doctor's equal, and could have provided a pretty worthwhile companion without the angst we have seen so far. As it is, the entire episode should have revolved around the Master and the Doctor and their confrontation, not the companion who was leaving anyway. My other problem was was with the Master's death - he gave up control to the Doctor because he wouldn't ever want to die, but refused to regenerate because he would be trapped as the Doctor's prisoner? He's a bloody time-lord, he would have the patience to realise that he could have the time to work out an escape. That said, the revelation about Jack came out of nowhere, and I loved it. The finale was excellent, despite the reset-button ending - I was glad we didn't see the Doctor become deus-ex machina as Rose was in the finale of the first series. All in all, it was a decent ending, but it could have been so much better.
  11. Adore John Simm as the Master It was a good episode, though it had a lot to live up to after Utopia's final act, as well as suffering from the fact it's an episode designed to set up the finale. Was great to see Gallifrey at last though, and to find out we have a Captain Scarlet-esque Cloudbase now. Can't wait for tomorrow.
  12. And the obligatory YouTube of said incident: YouTube - Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC rips Paris report
  13. Watching it again, I can honestly say the final 15 minutes was by far among the finest things I have ever seen on British television. It's not an excuse for how average series three has been so far, but Utopia has certainly brought together some of the themes shown so far (Face of Boe, the watch, time being a wibbly wobbly thingy etc) in the series. I am very much looking forward to the next two episodes, and I rarely care for a television series in such a way
  14. Awesome, absolutely awesome - been wanting the Master back since last series!
  15. From the previews I thought it might be a bit of a bad move to have a 'Doctor-light' episode just after the two-parter where, really, he wasn't the Doctor. Was happy to be proven wrong - great episode, with suitably scary monsters (possibly the creepiest of the new Who) and the absolutely gorgeous Sally Sparrow. Most delightful
  16. I actually rather liked the recent two-parter, and I'm still holding out for a fantastic season finale to make up for the averageness of the rest of the season. Definitely not a fan of Martha either
  17. I adored the animation style of the clone wars cartoons, this just looks too much like it's trying too hard to emulate that...but in 3D! Which, I'm not entirely convinced of. The cartoons were a fantastic little addition to the Prequel trilogy (in the same sense of the Animatrix), and probably showed Anakin's descent to the dark side better than the first two prequel films. The two seasons were just enough.
  18. Figure I better reply in spoiler, just in case: I had a bit of a problem with that scene. Namely the fact that they had Davy Jones standing in his bucket. If that's all it takes to negate his '10 year gap between stepping on land' thing, then why not simply have a pair of oversized, watertight clogs with seawater in them. Be fine to go anywhere, then.
  19. A brief research into it makes me think I should pursue such an offer. I will look into it
  20. I don't really know my cheeses, but I do have a liking for Havarti. Should probably look into the cheese shop near me sometime. I fear it would take me with it's cheesy splendour.
  21. Thought it was far better than the second one, but hardly a great film. Was good to have Barbossa back and acting completely mad.
  22. Yeah, it suddenly burst back into attention earlier this year. Graphics look gorgeous, I'm glad to see they went for the cartoon style, as opposed to the realistic types of, say, Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat. Comes out alongside Half-Life: Episode 2 and Portal. Joy!
  23. I mean in the way that new research into the subject means that older history books can become inaccurate, as they were using different data. Therefore they become outdated. The eastern front of the Second World War, for example, has seen a massive amount of new books on the subject since the fall of the Soviet Union, as it gave western historians better access to Russia's documents and people around at the time of the war
  24. I passed it the other day, and thought it was just to cover up some repair work being done. Poor choice of surrounding walls then, if it's an art installation.
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