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Everything posted by -matthEw-

  1. also, just to add his book, Things The Grandchildren Should Know, is far and away the best 'rock' autobiography that i've ever read. I know Old Gold loves it to death as well so go out and buy it!
  2. ohhhh yeah what a gig. my favourite album would probably be Electric Shock Blues, it's just so emotionally heavy in the best possible way. for an album so dark and frankly disturbing to still end up with a genuine sense of optimism is a total triumph. was probably the first album i got into where the writer has completely laid out his soul bare on a record, and is still such an intense experience to listen to from start to finish. the more you hear about the happenings in throughout his life, and immediately before that album, the more you realise what a personal achievement it must've been to get those tunes out of him. i usually tend to go into pure emotional hyperbole when telling friends about this album so i'll stop there. i'll rate the albums as... 1. Electro Shock Blues 2. Blinking Lights and Other Revelations 3. Daisies of the Galaxy 4. Beautiful Freak 5. Shootenanny 6. Souljacker have got various official live albums and b-side collections as well as a shit-load of bootlegs and have yet to hear anything truly duff.
  3. if anyone wants to give me the 2.5 series of arrested development for 25 fire me a pm xx
  4. PES is not what it used to be. i'll wait for the FIFA reviews but i think i will cross over to the dark side this year.
  5. i hate my eels-blocking net. what a bloody band. little known fact: the capital E in my username is in homage to E, not because i like to insert random capitals all over the place.
  6. that video is no longer available (although my net has been playing funny-buggers today). but it is a fantastic song, thank you for the reminder. how good is their cover of Girl of the North Country? YouTube - Eels - Girl From The North Country (Live)
  7. i've been told by many a supporter's bus that the coppers can't legally search, confiscate or taste any drink that isn't clearly alcoholic. makes sense i guess. therefore a 1litre pre-mixed Coke bottle will easily slip under the police's radar.
  8. It was actually Steve Tosh.
  9. Scotland to win the World Cup, easily. Dons to win Champions League or Scotland to win the World Cup though? I hate myself for even having this eternal debate given how ludicrous it is but its gotta be Dons to win the Champions League. Although I think the World Cup is far more romantic trophy to win for a team like Scotland I just get giddy of the thought of Aberdeen lifting the old European Cup.
  10. I can't see tickets on sale for Glasvegas? Sure they were up on the page minutes before 9 then suddenly disapeared! Damn you Barfly/Ticketweb! oh its popped up again. got it
  11. been reading a few footy message boards tonight and being on the eve of an international match i've read an alarming amount of people who have a really strong dislike for all things regarding "The Tartan Army". its something i just can't quite wrap my head around. to me it has never been a dilema. i've never ever seen the contradiction in supporting the Dons and Scotland 100%, yet, as far as club football forums seem to show, i'm in the minority. the main issue seems to lie in that you can literally hate Barry Ferguson in a Rangers' top one week then cheer him on for Scotland the next. it just got me thinking of how fucked up the psyche of a football fan is and how maybe these international haters had a point. so...discuss
  12. how probable would it be for you to PM a link to it for me?
  13. there should definitely be a Hall of Fame mini-forum.
  14. sorry for the bump but what an amazing thread this was. school was ace (if you weren't a total goth).
  15. Rick Astely in Australia...seems ive been getting Rick Rolled since the day i was born.
  16. The Shock of the Lightning seemed pretty good when i heard it. will give it a few more listens throughout the day i think.
  17. Doric in proper Bothy Ballad style is one of the most breath-taking things to see. anyone know Geordie Murrison? thought he was semi-famous round these parts but can't find much about him on the net. anyway, his voice is absolutely majestic and completely natural and Aberdonian through and through. can only see this poor quality youtube video but you'll get the idea Geordie on mandolin and the other guy Joe Aitken seems pretty shit-hot too.
  18. i thought it was dubbed as well during the first few seconds...then i realised if there is one man in football who is a big enough tit to do that, its him.
  19. i honestly just wonder why the fuck he did it. he's clearly trying really hard. getting into the idea of being a foreign coach a bit too much! the continental exhale of breath after saying how big a club Arsenal is makes me cringe so much i think im going to turn inside out.
  20. this steve mclaren interview is the funniest thing ive seen in a while YouTube - Benebet.com | Steve McClaren regarding FC Twente Champions League draw i have to watch it with my fingers over my eyes its so bad.
  21. http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/3/19/903258/Oasis%20-%20Falling%20Down.mp3 the album version of the track the Chemical Brothers did a remix of. i think its pretty damn good actually. brings out my inner fanboi anyway.
  22. Spain? This is the same Spain which in the tourists traps has lost any sense of culture due to lager lout British (and a fair few German) going over. Last time I was in one of these tourist towns I seen nothing but English/Irish pubs and restaurants. As for sticking up for Johnny Rotten's "too many foreigners" does he not remember that his family are all Irish and that he was subject to abuse for it. I can't find the quote where Lydon said that but i don't doubt Ryan. The same Lydon who mingled with IRA members and sympathisers. Xenophobe, Tory supporter, possible Daily Mail reader...you'd never guess he was a Rangers fan.
  23. probably not as quick as previous Oasis gigs. the last one was easily the worst i'd seen them to be honest (a lot of it was the sound of the AECC, but also Liam was shit and the crowd full of dickheads) might have a lot to do with how good their new single is which will be on radio soon...i have pretty low expectations to be honest.
  24. tune! i've just got a new laptop though so the plays on my iTunes are all at either 1 or 2 mainly. alas
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