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Mr. Tristen

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Everything posted by Mr. Tristen

  1. Never been anywhere more north than Aberdeen have ya Should try a Siberian winter you can spit and it freezes before it hits the ground and bounces...
  2. Finally, for ONCE some youths have actually been punished properly for their actions! Can't tell you how glad I was to read that article, no pussy-footing around with the whole 'they are just kids' or 'blame the parents' bullshit - just nice simple justice the way its supposed to be. I would also take any expenses incured by the family out of the two kids wages for life until it is all repaid...
  3. My 16th was spend is quiet medication and contemplation, followed by some wood cutting. On my 17th I was recovering from a nervous breakdown and spent the night sitting on top of the St. Nicholas Center speaking to a religious homeless guys who gave me gin and taught we how to dislocate someones arm. He was cool. My 18th was a mad drug fulled binge of sex, drugs and music. 19th was a kinda solem affair as things really sucked at the time. Few quiet drinks at a friend. 20th you'd have to ask the people I was with about, don't remember a fuckin thing...
  4. Taking from two sides in a recently closed arm thread I can't help but notice half of people here crack jokes about it, the other half take offence to it. Personally I feel joking about such a subject is a perfectly valid response to such a story. There are several ways people can deal with horrible events and it strikes me humour is one of the best ones, I'm sure nobody actually approves or necessarily finds it funny in the act itself, its just simply trying to put a lighter perspective on a tragic scenario rather than simply loosing even more faith in the world we live in. So yeah, I vote for allowing humour in such cases... Too early in my morning can't write as articulate a post as I would like, will try again later, Discuss....
  5. Aku'mai, boss of Blackfatom Deeps, a hydra and technically a god
  6. l33t is banned in world of warcraft both in the naming system and in talk to try and make a more realistic atmosphere... Community wise each server apparently varies very greatly, so its worth doing some research. Our server Azjol-Nerub is quite unique, it it VERY quiet by standards, thus I'd say it has a far closer community. We play and run a clan, about a dozen of whom are aberdonians anyway and we always all play together so theres always a group of us so its not loney and we don't really need to sorry about other people. Being a PvE server haven't had to worry about PvP stuff yet, but again being a small server I'm sure it will end up being very friendly... Oh and the opposite faction can't call you a n00b cause they don't speak the same language! System spces should run it nicely, though we've found 1gb of RAM makes a huge difference recently.
  7. Oh, also Azjol-Nerub is the Official PvE server now, about there about a dozen of us Aberdonians at the moment
  8. Managed to get a 32 Human Mage in the WoW beta, Currently after a days play yesterday I have a 13 Night Elf Priest Also, whats a Provisioner?
  9. How? Or were you in the beta with us? I dunno, played both and I prefer WoW, but then we're very pro-Blizzard products. Yeah some people say the graphics are kinda cartoony and lame, but to be honest it means the game runs better. Breathtaking graphics are for single player first person shooters, MMORPG should be less taxing on the system as there enough to slow it down as it is. Persides, my first gryphon flight was the closest I've had to sex this week...
  10. Anyone else going to be playing World of Warcraft when it hits the shop today? If so theres a large contingent of Aberdonians already playing in a group as soon as we make the 8am exodus to Game. I've been keeping an eye on the servers since they opened at midnight and narrowed it down to a few candidates... Will keep looking up until the time I get back with a nice shiny copy but at the moment the server Emerald Dream is looking favourite, with Azjol-Nerub in second. Anyway if anyone wants to join us give me a shout, and goodbye to you all, Aberdeen shall not see me walk its grey streets for the next six weeks... [/geek]
  11. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5554917914&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT Posted on the Starfall forums the other day...
  12. Never done any serious injuries... hrm, well the ones that have left permenant scars are... When I was little I decided to pet a wildcat, wasn't clever, still have a small part of the scar under my eyebrow and just below my bottom lip, which is one reason for having a beard. luckily it healed ok on my cheek and nose. Scar on the top of one of my fingers from punching and breaking a window. Scar along my leg from last year. I was just spinning a knife around (think I was actually posting on here at the time) when I slipped, dropped it and it stuck in my leg, bone deep. Strangely it barely bled and wasnt even that sore, probably due to the sharpness of the blade. Back in school I jumped over a wall with a metal edge on top, and miscalcualted, skinning all down to backs of my legs. To this day the back of my legs above the knee are very senestive and easy to hurt and hurt when they get too cold. I have a chip out my top front tooth where I came off my bike landing face first, and another scar on the elbow from the same. Think thats about it...
  13. Been trying to figure out a way for ages of getting sites bumped a little, but frankly apart from paying for an advertising slot, it just doesn;t seem to want to work.
  14. Is Mr. Tristen A Goth - The Final Answer! -Frequently wears black clothing. Nothing but... -Wears band and/or rock t-shirts. Nope, all my clothes are too plain... -Wears excessive black eye makeup, lipstick or nail polish. Nope, hate all that 'done-up' crap... -Wears any odd silver jewelry or symbols. Er.... I had a cool pendant once, but since someone nicked it in moshulu, nope... -Shows an interest in piercings or tattoos. I really dispise both... -Listens to gothic or any other anti-social genres of music. (Marilyn Manson claims to be the anti-Christ, and publicly speaks against the Lord. Please discard any such albums IMMEDIATELY.) Basically all forms of rock, my faviourite being goth metal, so a big yes I think... -Associates with other people that dress, act or speak eccentrically. Did somebody say 402 King Street ? -Shows a declining interest in wholesome activities, such as: the Bible, prayer, church or sports. I still enjoy a good wholesome pint... but hey that probably doesn't count... -Shows an increasing interest in death, vampires, magic, the occult, witchcraft or anything else that involves Satan. Meh, not really... -Takes drugs. Nope. Did smoke a lot of pot in my younger days, but it was long ago enough not to count now... -Drinks alcohol. Thats goth? Oh well. *Tick* -Is suicidal and/or depressed. I'm an overly cynical bastard by nature... I'm told that counts as depressed. Personally I think its just a lack of sleep.... -Cuts, burns or partakes in any other method of self-mutilation.(This is a Satanic ritual that uses pain to detract from the light of God and His love. Please seek immediate attention for this at your local mental health center.) Pain never really did it for me... -Complains of boredom. Bored bored bored bored bored... why else would I be filling this in at 3am? -Sleeps too excessively or too little. Yeup, or that could be, you know, MY JOB! -Is excessively awake during the night. Varies a lot, but quite often, yes. -Demands an unusual amount of privacy. I'm just an anti-social git and I like peace and quiet to work... but still guess it counts... -Spends large amounts of time alone. See above... -Requests time alone and quietness. (This is so that your chid may speak to evil sprits through meditation.) Haven't I arleady answered this one? -Insists on spending time with friends while unaccompanied by an adult. Would make certain things *quite* tricky with your mum watching... -Disregards authority figures; teachers, priests, nuns and elders are but a few examples of this. I dunno, I'm actually quite respectful, but I base it on the individual person, not their job title, but for the most part I'm a lot less rebelious than most of my generation. -Misbehaves at school. Nope, I was pretty good for the most part.... -Misbehaves at home. Ditto... -Eats excessively or too little Yes, but its a medical issue to do with wierd matabolism rates, so I can't see it counting... -Eats goth-related foods. Count Dracula cereal is an example of this. Well I did buy some 'Italian Blood-Orange Juice' yesterday... -Drinks blood or expresses an interest in drinking blood. (Vampires believe this is how to attain Satan. This act is very dangerous and should be stopped immediately.) Not interested in people blood, but theres nothing better than a nice undercooked dripping steak *drool* -Watches cable television or any other corrupted media sources. (Ask your local church for proper programs that your child may watch.) Internet anyone? -Plays videos games that contains violence or role-playing nature. If you get me started talking about World Of Warcraft I'll never stop.... -Uses the internet excessively and frequently makes time for the computer. Well, again it is kinda my JOB, but then even free time is often online... -Makes Satanic symbols and/or violently shakes head to music. Doesn't make my back any better thats for sure... -Dances to music in a provocative or sexual manner. I wish *rolleyes* -Expresses an interest in sex. I'm a 20 year old guy, currently single... well it crosses my mind very occasionally -Is homosexual and/or bisexual. Nope -Pursues dangerous cult religions. Such include: Satanism, Scientology, Philosophy, Paganism, Wicca, Hinduism and Buddhism. Science is a cult? Well I'm a brain washed zealot then... -Wears pins, stickers or anything else that contains these various phrases: "I'm so gothic, I'm dead", "woe is me", "I'm a goth". Nope. -Claims to be a goth. Dammit for once and for all I'm not a damm goth... well maybe that'll change when i add up the score here! 21 point for gothness 17 against Still, 16 over the reocmmended limit for mental sanctioning acording to the church!
  15. 9am is far too early to get up and far too late to go to bed. Ungodly hour.
  16. I know, him and I were playing world of warcraft
  17. Screw this, never again!
  18. And with those the general rule to follow is give it a second chance, never a third.
  19. I'm a fairly forgiving person for the most part, but I think someone I was seeing sleeping with someone else would drive me utterly insane. Infact I think I'd probably end up with a sword at their throat or something typically upset Tristen over dramatic like that. To the best of my knowledge I've never been cheated on, and I tend to find things out so I'm fairly happy that people have been faithful, except one, who I guess atleast had the deceny to dump me 5 mintues before As for cheating, the subject gets hazy due to some confusion about what both partys though the relationship was, eg I thought it was over so went and did whatever I wanted, they didnt, but in terms of full on cheating, nope, never have. I think the worst thing I've ever done was do stuff with someone I knew had a boyfriend, something I normally never allow myself to do wether I know him or not... a matter of guy loyalty i guess. If all guys swore never to do stuff with someone who has a boyfriend, they'd never be able to cheat on us, but there we go, will never happen. Anyway despite not knowing the guy I actually a long time on feel really shit about it to be honest. But yeah, I hope I'm never betrayed like that.
  20. I don't believe in ex's staying friends, 9 times out of ten it doesnt work. Of all of mine theres only one I can comfortably be friends with. A couple of others I simply would be too upset to be around and the large majority I wish were dead. No really.
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