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Mr. Tristen

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Everything posted by Mr. Tristen

  1. Nice. Just out of interest is it all static html content or is there some kind of database driven update system? (and if not do you want one? )
  2. Which reminds me, if anyone wants any free hosting give me a shout. Don't care how much bandwidth you use (within sane reason) and I have near on 100 GB of space left so plenty of room. Also don't mind throwing up a quick phpBB forum for anyone that wants. Will let you have an ftp account etc etc...
  3. Yeah, Dreamweaver is one of the best around if your doing thing graphically. Its certainly what I used to use, but these days I write almost exclusively in php, and there no decent graphical editor that I can find (someone correct me if I'm wrong). I have to say since I've started coding without the graphics my work has actually become faster and better. So these days I sometimes use dreamweaver but mostly use a program called TextPad... a slightly more advanced and programming language based version of WordPad. The only reason I use that over notepad is it highlights all the syntax etc.
  4. I got soaked. And very drunk. With The Fortress.
  5. It would seem I owe you a pint comrade... Any birthday party type plans?
  6. Its a subject which now interests me. I planned on going simply to hear a point of view of a group. I am more than willing to listen to peoples views regardless of my opinions on the matter. Unfortunately I did not make it due to work commitments
  7. Atleast he's earning money legitimately.
  8. And they are just as bad. I grew up in a lot of different places and my emphasis has always been on respecting local customs and adapting to fit in, not stubornly sticking to what I know. I think you should force people to respect and adapt to the environment they are living in. For ex-pats is France that means doing things the french way, for imigrants in Britain that means doing things the British way.
  9. Whoever the guys that plays Spike in Buffy The Vampire Slayer is...
  10. Jobs may be hard to get, but a lot of the time theres no excuse for not paying your own way. Personally I've never and hopefully never will claim benefit. When things got really desperate I can always make a website, paint someones fence, clean some cars etc etc etc... most of which are day-to-day jobs and most of which pay shite, but its enough to keep the wolf from the door so to speak. Most people (especially those with a decent education) who end up enemployed just have bad money handling skills and a lack of imagination.
  11. Finding work can be tricky for mid-level work. I am having that problem at the moment after university in that lower-paid jobs think I'm too qualified and higher-paid jobs think I'm qualified but inexperienced. A lot of graduates are having the same probelm as myself, and many that do get a job after leaving uni end up with a comparitevly low and/or unrelated job.
  12. But again one could argue the SNP and their pro-seperation borders on racism against the english? If not racist its atleast extremely nationalist which inevitable encourages prejudices if not direct hatred against others.
  13. [Controvesy] So, heres what I was thinking yesterday in work when I was badgered into signing a petition sheet I couldn't really care too much about... The democracy you all seem to love demands that all people of all beliefs be given a chance to express their views equally. Even those of you opposed to the gouverment are tolerated your marches and protests and pertitions etc etc. So, maybe the NF believe in very different ideals but surely it's quite a savage hypocracy that simple because their views are a little... unorthadox that they be forbidden from expressing them? If any of you were told you had a right to an opinion so long as you didn't express it you'd kick up an outrage. So whats so different about banning this march? Discuss.. [/Controvesy]
  14. Dude, you go to another country on a working trip, you get a permit. Taint tricky. I know in Europe now you get to move around fairly easily but you do NOT go through British Customs and say 'yes we're here to make money in your country... what? permit? whats one of those?'
  15. I'm not even going to begin going through the list. To be honest I can;t even remember most of Aberdeen bands gigs as I kinda tune out. Its probably easier to list the bands I Like... Rachel McLennan's solo stuff Black Atom (Not strictly my kind of music, but very talented) Norman's Fetish (as above but always light hearted and fun) Starfall (not a huge fan of all of it, but a rare non-manufactured attition to the scene) Everyone else I either don't like or haven't seen but im not going to start fights by saying which is which.
  16. For the record I was also there when it happened. Tronn have no real right to talk as they *forgot* to apply for work permits and were exported. Not very professional. It also threw a major spanner in the works of the Starfall tour which was setting off that very morning and nearly buggered stuff up for Starfall too. Not too suprising if they were left our of further touring with that level of unprofesionalism.
  17. October - Evanescence Goodbye - Scheer Playing My Game - Lene Marlin Without You I'm Nothing - Placebo Hallelujah - Rufus Wainwright Bittersweet - Within Temptation And as soon as you can listen to all those without feeling low your a lot happier than I...
  18. BT Faults... Theres a training course starting on the 21st that i'll be in... think theres places left... Call the company that provies BT Call Center Staff (Manpower) on 01224 753231. Aaah... you have to be over 18.... dunno if you are of not...
  19. Ask Scorge about it dude, think he was considering buying a second hand one...
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