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Everything posted by Tav

  1. European Al Queda/Jihad website has a 200 word statement claiming responsibility though this has not been confirmed offically
  2. Perhaps they are. Certainly they were yesterday when there were riots. Saying that Gleneagles would already be quite difficult to gain access to. Lets hope that there won't be any more incidents...
  3. If they take MET from Gleneagles it shouldn't be a problem. They still have all the other forces up here + they were flying people down from Grampian yesterday so they can always do that. There's 1000's and 1000's of police officers at Gleneagles and surrounding areas.
  4. WTF!...further exlamations to follow...
  5. Less important perhaps but jsut because the G8 is on doesn't mean there aren't other important events taking place. If it came to London it could be good. Might even go down for it. EDIT: No way.
  6. Indeed...though the "I like proton cars" could have been a keeper. Normally it's a plain black leather Levi's strap with no buttons in sight.
  7. I was more questioning what he said rather than what you may be implying. I think this whole shizbang isn't quite going how it should...as I said before protesting against people in power who have come together to talk about ways in which they can sort out poverty/environmental issues (*) etc. doesn't add up in my mind...protesting to make sure they do something is great...protesting against the G8 as an entity that could do good...I don't understand that. *Why isn't this getting as much coverage as Africa? In the end it could be the thing that kills us all. Did anyone see George Bush interview with Trevor MacDonald...the way he was speaking about placing their economy first over improvements in air quality...bah! The technology is available but no doubt there are forces at work preventing Hydrogen cars etc. being afordable/available)
  8. Well if you want safety? Obviously something has sparked this? I don't really like the way that article is written...it is trying to put the police in a bad light from the word go. "Surrounded by police" and "and not knowing where we are being taken" the connotations it is trying stir in your mind are quite obvious... I don't think they do at all <is it possible to label everyone a hardcore minority...?>. There was a lot of coverage of just how good the protests were on Saturday and Sunday. Where Monday in concerned they had a senior police officer on speaking about how one protest went very well as it always does and then speaking about how a minority spoiled the Edinburgh one. From what I have seen the media have been quite fair in their reporting...you have to remember that people are quite capable of understanding whats written in papers/put on TV...I suppose it depends on what media you choose to take your information from.
  9. A fair point...but I'm 5'10 your conclusion was a little hastey I fear... and no this is not the the best thread ever...
  10. Maybe when it starts happening more and more people will realise why buying cds is a good idea...
  11. Well Craig doesn't have an amplifier so he normally rents from Capt Toms and gets a Laney combo. Any possibility of using the Moorings house amp since they have a DSL100 and cabinet now? Scott'll have all his drum stuff (snare, stands, cymbols, kick pedals) and using the house bass amp takes care of my stuff.
  12. Tav

    TEMP Folder

    ...thats...erm...worrying Phil...
  13. Well I think thats the whole point. Everybody knows that the protests went down well on Sat and Sunday so it isn't as if all protestors are being tarred with the same brush. There was a problem on Monday and of course it is going to recieve coverage. It only takes a few people to start trouble and its these people that the people of Edinburgh would have concerns over. You should be discussing why people like this infiltrate raleys/protests rather than moaning about the police trying to do something about it. Also just because you were there doesn't mean you can dictate wether or not people who weren't there can comment.
  14. Last time I checked throwing benches and cobbles about isn't " just protesting..."
  15. Tav

    TEMP Folder

    Cool...I'll just wait to see if any one else agrees then I shall "thrash" it!
  16. Hey I was wondering if anyone could answer me this riddle: My temp folder (C:\Documents and Settings\NEWXPUSER\Local Settings\TEMP) is currently sitting at about 5.5Gb. I was wondering if you can delete the contents of this folder without any nasty surprises? Any info would be good.
  17. You can only really get 8meg in places like London just now as far as I am aware. Nildram are also a good alternative. Pipex do seem to be great value though.
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