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Everything posted by catherine

  1. catherine


    im pretty sure it applies to pubs and clubs though. my dad used to tell me i could go to nightclubs when i wasnt 18 and as long as i didnt drink i couldnt get into trouble from the police or breech the licence.
  2. catherine


    but is it not the case in scotland that all the licence are the same. that you can have over 14s in. i try argue that it must have changed by now to my dad but he is certain that it scotland tis still the same liecning act from like 79 or something. cant remeber the date
  3. catherine


    but you dont have to be 18 to be in a pub or a club.... just to drink.... so would it not be that the fine of serving them is high.... thers nothing wrong with letting them in as long as they dont get servered
  4. oo i was needing a computer type help thread . im moving into a flat in sept and the girl who lives there already has broadband and a laptop. im probably buying a laptop and was wondering what ways are there for getting broadband on both the computers. either to be used at the same time or not. just cause id need the internet and feel weird using peoples personal computers for it
  5. catherine


    its not friends. more people i know, who are good friends with my boyfriend. anyway underagers dont seem to understand it. i was never like that. i didnt mind going a night with out drinking cause i hardly ever did. but most of them these days are like almost alcoholics who cant seem to go one night out anywhere without drinking.
  6. catherine


    suppose. i need to learn to be more mean. its just hard when you know the people. i really dont like making enemies.
  7. oops.... well you've qouted me know.... too late to change it
  8. catherine


    it does feel great. but only when i dont know them. i hate being in the situation of knowing underagers who want to drink. i was ok in the last job cause i was at uni so there were only two people i knew who werent 18. and i just told them i wouldnt serve them but wasnt going to grass them up. but im glad ive not been working in drummonds on a couple of occasions when a certain group of underages have been there. cause i know they hate me for rejecying them. whats worse is when you know someone is 18 and they're buying a drink for an underager as well as themself. its hard sometimes to say you can only serve them one drink... and they'll just come back again and cause they're 18 i cant do anything
  9. i thought throughout the whole book that it was harry that malfoy and snape would have to kill. i totaly didnt think of snape as the half blood prince. i kept thinking it would be voldemort and that the book would be another horcruxes. but man killing dumbledore!!!!! noooooo. i dont know if its cause im getting older. but i didnt feel as sucked in. it didnt feel like that long a book at all. compared to the others from when i remember reading them. and i agree with someone that the book will be a bit crap if they dont go back to school. but thats just cause i miss when it was all fun and they were just little. when it kept mentioning first years i was like oo go focus on one of them and start again now. i dont like how theres only one book left. i hope its like 2000 words long.
  10. catherine


    when i saw this gig was on i was looking forward to it... forgetting id asked for the night off to go to the moorings instead. maybe next time
  11. its gona be cool. im going to ayr... coming back for a few days round about this gig... then going to ayr....for three years..... *sniff* so everyone must go and make it an ace night for me to rememeber
  12. im glad i got to go home early as there was a lot of glass to clean up. i was in early on sunday and one of the shelves for pint glasses was almost empty... so many broken glasses
  13. i think me and ryan are meant to be camping with my sister and her mates. but an aberdeen-music camp may be more fun. well see nearer the time
  14. only 50 to start the day?????? you need well more than that!!
  15. im taking it theres no deposit? im sure the last two times jason needed a deposit... or is that still to come.
  16. i may be at the glasgow gig as im going to be in ayr again by then *sniff*
  17. two in the morning??? arg, i didnt think we'd have our late lienence working yet :-(
  18. i think it was the fact he was wearing all black on a shot summers day. im pretty sure it will be the EE saying the jeans were trendy, they asked him if he was going for a gothic look.....
  19. i bought the belt and he couldnt remember where in glasgow i got it so they missed it out. bless him. my parents have had a good laugh at it now :-(
  20. they came up to him asking if they could take photos, they were looking for people with interesting summer outfits.
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