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Us again.....

Guest Nikola Tesla

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Guest Nikola Tesla

Hey Evac are now back on the hunt for a bass player.... we've played 3 shows now (to varying degrees of success) and we think its about time to put some bottom end on our sound. If anyones interested pm me Neale or Calum and we'll organise some try outs... cheers.

(note to anyone who hasnt heard us yet.. we're a kinda grind influenced extreme band... with a willingness to experiment and expand.)



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Guest Nikola Tesla

hehe we may do more like that... who knows really. I think we're going to be doing some seirious writing before the next gig. Hense why we'd kinda like a bassist so we have all the tools to make some cool music.

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Guest Nikola Tesla

hmm.... is there no bassists out there at all who want to play heavy odd music?

Also just as a point... if you havent seen us don't let the description of grind-core put you off.... We're not grind technicly.. its just the short songs that i would say help with this..

If your into hardcore, death metal, noisecore, grindcore, ect give us a shout....

i.e. BUMP :p

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Righto, this is last calls for this ladies and gentleman. We at Evac are away to start preps for our next gig, so this is really our last cry for help. We currently have a jam in the plans for the end of this week and are willing to try out bassists then. So if you are interested, commited, and overall want to write some fucked up music, be sure to PM me, A_song_Ruined (stu), or Dechristianise (Calum) ASAP for details.

Again our influences include such bands as Botch, Converge, Dillinger Escape Plan, Napalm Death, Nasum, Pig Destroyer, plus many more. By the way, as has been said before, the preceeding list may seem a bit narrow minded, but we are willing to mix new styles into our music as well.

So if anyone out there is interested, get PMing!

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