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Guest idol_wild

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More recently, Derren Brown has been involved in shows which debunk the sceance idea too. Can't remember the show, and it's possibly available online, but it was a good watch.

It was actually called "Seance". It's on Youtube here. You'll need a spare hour mind you but interesting nevertheless!

I'm one of the individuals who struggles to believe in things like this though. For no other reason than I'd rather understand and have proof of something first. That said, it is something I'd be happy to be proved wrong about and perhaps certain things are just going to be unexplained. In a way it would be quite reassuring to know there is something more to this subject.

It's a fascinating topic mind you.

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That's the problem though, Andy. The only way in which somebody will believe in something like this is through first-hand experience, which is unbelievably rare (or non-existent, depending on what you believe).

Again, I come back to the similarities with religion/belief in a God (or whatever definition...) in that the very concept goes against common sense/rationale. However, lack of subjective experience != lack of its existence. The default stance of most people is 'I haven't experienced it, therefore it is absurd', which is an understandable but flawed viewpoint. The burden of proof will always be on the believer rather than the sceptic, but the concept of proof in subjects such as this is tricky as it demands rational explanations of a topic that is inherently irrational.. For example, Phil's friend's dad; the scar on his back and his emotional response to the subject are not proof, although they are convincing enough to make an impression.

Likewise, some people are adamant that they have met God/experienced miracles etc. However, while their story may deepen the Faith of those who already believe, a sceptic will remain a scpetic until proof manifests itself to them specifically.

Most people are sceptical by nature, and it is easier to be a non-believer than a believer in any topic that requires a suspension of disbelief. However, anybody who ridicules anybody else for their beliefs warrants more derision than the believer. That is why Atheists infuriate me; their adamance is as ludicrous to thosse with an open mind as Believers appear to them.

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