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Google hacking


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Anyone tried this?

It's when you search Google to try & take control of cameras.

for example, entering intitle:" Home" "Xerox Corporation" "Refresh Status" then you can get a list of Xerox printers available to take control of. Had a wee bit of a laugh earlier sending test prints to random printers in the USA and Sweden.

inurl:"axis-cgi/mjfp" gives a list of webcams.

More info at http://johnny.ihackstuff.com if you're interested or feeling particulary mischievious.

Got all the stuff from The Times, by the way - http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,20411-1831797,00.html

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Google hacking isn't what it used to be. When it was first discovered people were able to search for access files which contained user names and passwords to protect important websites....faves being filetype:mdb inurl:*.gov .... :D Obviously everyone wised up to this and moved to a more secure SQL server setup, but you still find the odd access table through google like this ;)

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despite the times article saying that "this is not hacking in the murky criminal sense" I would warn people that it actually is. asa point of interest it's amazing what you can find on goole but if you actually use some of those techniques, even just to fuck around with a photocopier, you will likely be breaking the Computer Misuse Act.

The 3 offences which fall under this act are:

Unauthorised access to computer material

Unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate commission of further offences

Unauthorised modification of computer material.


Just so you know. By all means go to http://johnny.ihackstuff.com and try some of the searches. It's amazing what you can find.

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