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Guest Tam o' Shantie

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Guest Tam o' Shantie

Hey dudes - anybody know of any good Parisien forums or web sites, where I can do a bit of research about the city of love? I'm heading there with my closest friends in a couple of weeks and could do with conversing with some locals and getting some tips on the places to hit! Come on you fucking mother hubbards, expose yourselves for the culturally rich tossers that you are

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I found an AMAZING art shop in Paris but when I went there it was closed because the owner was on holiday. It was near the Sacre Coeur and I'll send you proper directions, but you maybe don't care.

Also, make sure you go to the Pompidou but don't waste your time with the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, it's tiny and full of tourists (not nice ones like yourself!)

Also, if you're going to La Tour Eiffel, go during the day because everyone goes at night to see it when it's lit up and that means it's so busy and you end up queuing for ages to get up and down the lifts, don't bother with the stairs unless you hate your legs. Plus there are lots of Americans going "can you see America from here?"

Hope you have fun!! Make sure you take water everywhere with you cos it's hot.

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Yeah, the mona lisa is a waste of time, unless you like a big crush and angry security guards telling you to move on. Lets face it, you already know what it looks like!

I'm not sure when it finishes, or if they still do it, but the council there pay for sand to be brought to the edge of the Seine, its basically turned into a little beach in the middle of a city. Tres fantastique.

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funicular. go to montmartre. go to the montmartre museum. it's down a little back street behind sacre coeur. it used to be steinlen's house (he was the guy who painted the 'Tournee du Chat Noir' poster)


and there's loads of little letters and sketches written to him by Toulouse Lautrec as well as a lot of their original artwork. it's a great place.

the musee d'orsay is great for all the impressionist stuff, you can get the best ice cream in the world down a little street on ile st louis (the seine island next to ile de la cite where notre dame is) and if you want a delicious but reasonable meat filled meal, go to La Louchebam next to Forum des Halles.

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Also' date=' make sure you go to the Pompidou but don't waste your time with the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, it's tiny and full of tourists (not nice ones like yourself!)


the Pompidou Centre is a seriously excellent building from the outside, but a BIG disappointment inside

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