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Everything posted by FOX

  1. Would you rather the stock was thrown out instead?
  2. FOX

    Causey Mounth

    I think it's definitely an improvement on your first work. Really like the ebow-type stuff even if it is a tad on the clumsy side, still sounds pretty nice. I think the vocals could perhaps be a little clearer too, but I think the Doric would be hard for me to understand without seeing it written anyway! All in all, well done, stick at it.
  3. I think if this wasn't the third episode of the series, and instead somewhere towards the end, then it would have had the extra "what if" factor... but obviously it was the third and therefore seemed like a poor hooking attempt. The rest I agree with, but Robert's point about aiming it at kids rings true throughout much of the holes.
  4. Ahh. I'm going purely off rumour though. Neither do I, but that episode was just... I don't know. No real relation to the first two in the slightest, didn't seem to be going anywhere (the CSI-style Dr Who eps are really monotonous and I'm not too pleased to see them again) and the full-stop ending just seemed... weird. Can't wait for another Moffat, but it looks like the next one will be at least three episodes away ):
  5. local supports alllllll done :3 Also, will there be tickets on the door? I assume so but..
  6. It was supposed to be a filler episode, which might explain it; not really sure why they bumped it up to episode three. Really nothing to that one, and to show it off the back of two frankly excellent Moffat episodes was utterly stupid judgement.
  7. This ... could be a number of rooms. See a room number thing on the wall? Who's the voiceover for that level? (If need be feel free to PM me)
  8. I preferred the Lib Dem candidate, but y'know.
  9. Not really. All these parties share some views, it's a case of doing the research and working out which to make your second choice. Personally, I think the main reason that people are opposing this is because they've voted Labour/SNP/Conservative all their life and couldn't bear to actually research a second choice.
  10. We simply don't know how many of those who voted for Labour would have selected SNP as a second choice. Or vice versa.
  11. Of course they're not safe! Most of the people in those constituencies don't want the MPs they have! Look at Aberdeen Central's results from last night: SNP - 10,058 LAB - 9,441 CON - 3,100 LD - 2,349 NF - 201 That's 15,091 people (60%) that voted against the SNP. And yet we're stuck with the SNP. How on Earth is that fair?
  12. By the way, Orkney and the Isles of Scilly have both voted emphatically for "No". Strange, since Orkney is the most Liberal seat in the country...
  13. Yup, and that's because most people in that constituency want them there (over half). This is not the case for the other 400... Most of the costs were to cover this referendum so they're fairly moot now. I imagine the rest would be on educating voters which from what I've heard will be around 9m. They've already said they're not going to use machines, but hey.
  14. Works for the safe seats, yes. Also: Blunkett admits AV cost claims were "made up" | Left Foot Forward
  15. Oh, there are... Mostly Easter Eggs, like: Chamber 16 of Glados' levels near the start of the game, use the laser to kill the turrets as normal then go back and use the laser on the turret just as you walk in. Crouch into that hole and look down.
  16. That's pretty bad, but I think that was to stab at the "a vote for yes will help the BNP and other nazi fringe party" guff the No camp were spouting.
  17. I'm usually quite iffy about buying online (no real reason for it though), and haven't a clue where R&B is. Could easy find it though, I imagine.
  18. Oh man... I've never ever been anywhere else if I need to buy strings/picks or whatever, honestly wouldn't know where to look. Really hope they can save it.
  19. No bother. Works every time for me.
  20. 1. Go to hypem.com. 2. Hit "Top Tracks" or whatever. 3. Hit play on ANY OF THEM. Job done
  21. But you lied again, now you get to watch her leave out the window Guess that's why they call it window pane ...
  22. I'd be more than happy to come along with a guitar Maybe get a few singers/band members and have a wee jam
  23. There are posters up with conflicting dates, by the way - the ones with the photos of Merrill say the gig's on the 24th, while the album art ones say 14th. Still 14th, yeah?
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