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Gus Chamber

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Everything posted by Gus Chamber

  1. Incense sticks. Just because. They're not making you look cool or bohemian, they're making you look like a pretentious twat and your house stink like shit.
  2. Groups of schoolkids on buses. Many shops sensibly only let 2 or 3 of the little shitcunts in at a time and buses have got to start doing the same. On they steam, gaggles of the rampaging little fucktoads making loads of noise, shouting, banging on the windows and then playing fucking gangsta rap on their shitty phones. Gangsta? Don't make me laugh you little prick, you'd last 3 fucking seconds tops in the Bronx. Gangsta indeed. A burst condom, that's all you fucking are. And you know it.
  3. Anal Cunt - "Unplugged" 7". GISM - "Anarchy Violence" 7". Rupture - "The Cornelius Conspiracy" 7". :up::up: Satanic Malfunctions - "Who Wants The World" 7".
  4. He should be fine about it if you ask him, it saves him lugging them back to the sorting office so everyone wins. It looks like I've got my normal postie back today, normal service resumed with the doorstep drop. The fucking queue at the sorting office this morning was unreal, couldn't face waiting among all those sodding people. Which leads me to today's pet hate: People. Stupid bastard people.
  5. Does anybody actually like turkey? It's just dry chicken.
  6. Not arsed about it at all, so offered to work over the Xmas period.
  7. I think I've a new postie, and he's my pet hate because my last postie left my noise packages just outside my flat door in the block. This one doesn't, bastard took them back to the collection office today leaving a teasing card saying there were 2 parcels waiting there for me. How fucking dare he be so efficient? People doing their job properly be fucked, I want my noise... :down:X-(
  8. First weekend in fuck knows how long where there's no work, gig or band practice so I intend to do absolutely fuck all whatsoever. The drawbridge will be raised, the moat drained, portcullis lowered and sniper rifle fitted here at the hutch and the entire world can kindly piss off and leave me alone.
  9. Under normal circumstances, he makes a very valid point about football fans taking the moral high ground and acting like a big bunch of wendies pretending to be all offended when a player gives them a bit back. But these aren't normal circumstances. Because it's Mark Hateley. Who happens to be a Rangers bastard.
  10. "Prior experience of conducting research in the female sex industry".
  11. I think he means that he thinks most homeless folk are not, in fact, homeless at all. There was a story in the EE a while ago about street beggars making 18K a year purely through people's spare change, then going home to their council flats at night. Surprised they made it back if they had all that change jingling around on them... It must be true. The EE said so.
  12. Cheers for posting, that's another season down the shitter thanks to you...
  13. Swings and roundabouts chimp, the memory of Jimmy Bastard Sandison going utterly tonto in the '91 Skol Cup semi over our penalty-that-never-was still gladdens the heart from time to time... We scored it as well. LOL.
  14. Dunfermline v. Stenhousemuir or Cove Rangers Unsettling. These "potential banana skin" games shit me.
  15. You poor bastard. On topic, BLD gig in Elgin tomorrow night and a relaxing Sunday on the green baize.
  16. Fuck me, that was brilliant. Points for you unless I have to slut around a bit more... EDIT - I don't...
  17. Go during the day, for the food. Dunno what the rest of the menu's like, but the homemade burgers are top notch and well worth the money. The initial post is quite possibly the funniest slice of comedy ever seen on here, and by the Christ that's saying something...
  18. That made me "lol", especially the bit that they just HAD to mention that the brat's dad was separated from the mother. Anyway, she'll think twice before her next pissy-fit. Job done.
  19. "Samanfa", Smart Alex's, 1996. Only thing missing was a personality...
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