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Everything posted by givemeasmile

  1. Marionettes are opening this with a stripped back acoustic performance, can't wait! JJ Bull is involved too so it'll be an ace night
  2. Thanks to everyone who enquired about this, we decided to go with "Call of Youth" by the Little Kicks as it complimented the vibe our film. Cheers
  3. Hey everyone, As part of my university project this year we are required to create a video to promote student living in Aberdeen and to promote RGU. This video is designed to feature on the homepage of the RGU website and basically we need some songs to provide the soundtrack for it. So if anybody is keen to let us have their music to be played in parts of the video let me know, it'd be great coverage given how many hits the site gets and you'll get a mention in the credits etc. So let me know if you're up for it and get in touch at darylrankin@me.com Thanks! Daryl
  4. Film city is buying it. You have my word.
  5. He's hung up his sticks, he ain't coming back. Best of luck Greig!
  6. If you pick Marionettes I'll be your slave until you die. Deal?
  7. Marionettes used to be called Radio Friendly Unit Shifter when we were like 15. We used to play cover sets but half of it would be Nirvana because of how immediately fun it is to play these songs note perfect as a band. I think most bands will have covered a Nirvana song at some point. Very Ape, Lounge Act, Sappy, Drain You and All Apologies are my top five today, although that list may be very different tomorrow. If anybody is aware of rare links or cool interviews that they think everyone else might not have seen you should get posting them in here. This is my favourite Nirvana footage on youtube.
  8. Nirvana are the reason I play in bands. Sounds like a bit of a gay cliche. Got the greatest hits CD which only wet my appetite for more, so I bought the anthology and still listen to it religiously until this day. I've even got an In Utero tattoo. I should probably get a life.
  9. We're going to have an absolute cackload of new material for this one. Let's get heavy.
  10. YouTube - Hop in My Car: Official Video What a little cunt
  11. This is now available on Itunes for 79p! That's really not a lot of money.
  12. So is Paddy's bass still with the band or does Callum have it? Sorry to jack the thread it just crossed my mind when I saw this! Will be serving beer at this tomorrow night, can't bloody wait!!
  13. Would like to point out that this will be rammed with new material, in that the entire set will be changed. 3 guitars and far less Micro Korg, happy days.
  14. I'd give my right testicle to see the Prais once again.
  15. Watched the rehearsals etc yesterday when I was working, looks like a good laugh. Hate paying to see stuff at my own work though.
  16. Me too, T in the Park needs a bit of Marionettes.
  17. That's bloody brilliant guys, well done!
  18. Getting pissed with the biggest band in South Africa then annoying the fuck out of Surfer Rosa's dad in the car home. SNR Rosa was not a happy man.
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