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Everything posted by vega

  1. I've been really enjoying Dalek "Absence" on spotify. Really dark and really heavy with wads of noise. Will need to delve further into their back catalogue. M.O.P. (Mosh Out Posse) are absolutely terrible but I've always had a soft spot for them.
  2. vega


    I really liked this too. Wish there were more than three episodes.
  3. I'm fairly sure that two of them had food poisoning/were ridiculously ill with something - the guitar player had a bucket infront of his amp the whole time. Some of the guitars hadn't made it over in one piece from America either. Just a bad way to start a two month tour. I thought they were great.
  4. I'll bring you a Carson Wells EP then too.
  5. Count me in for Monday! I can also do Friday if it gets moved.
  6. There's a fair chance that I'll be heading back out to Westhill with Mr. Calum. Holler if you need a lift, Mr. Murray!
  7. It says on the last.fm event thing that Copy Haho are playing this too. Any truth in that or just needing editing? Amber Wilson at Aberdeen Beach Ballroom (Aberdeen) on 5 Nov 2010 Last.fm
  8. Dallas has cocked up and so I no longer have band practice - is there room for one more? :O
  9. I really like this album.
  10. For me, it's all about the mad dischordant breakdown bit half way through "My Sacrifice". Pure savage. I did listen to "With Arms Wide Open" afterwards. That boy can croon like a madman.
  11. All the Creed albums are on Spotify. "My Sacrifice" is an absolute ANTHEM.
  12. Won't be available on Friday as I have band practice.
  13. I'm game. Will I need proper boots or owt?
  14. Fast Caz on Tuesday night at Cineworld down the beach.
  15. I'm fairly sure I won't be able to - my brother moves to Australia tomorrow and I don't know what the plan is with regards having dinner out and that. Will only know for sure later on so don't include me in the attending list.
  16. This was outstanding. Still speechless over that herbert's car park antics. Wow.
  17. vega

    Your current read?

    Heck yeah for The Road and The Crow Road - tis good stuff. Not got round to reading any other Cormac McCarthy stuff apart from No Country For Old Men which was also good. Will read his other stuff eventually. Let me know how Child of God goes, Phil. Currently chomping my way through Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 by Hunter S. Thompson. About 250 pages in and they've only just finished the Democratic candidate primaries/party convention, etc. Overall I like it, but there are some evenings where I just don't feel like reading it.
  18. Fairly certain I saw Murr or someone who looks very like him walking through the bus station bit of Union Square today. Wearing some lovely luminous attire.
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