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Everything posted by Hell

  1. hmm theres something dodgy about this thread!!!! what aren't you telling us????
  2. have you sold star wars or futurama yet? cause i'd want them!
  3. no because you get them for free from the o2 site
  4. hmmm....futurama......how much?
  5. Hell

    20" Pro Sonix ride

    bump bump bang i'll give you £15
  6. would you sell the console on its own?
  7. Hell

    Drums four sale

    will you sell the splash separetely?
  8. how much for the china? and what your best offer on the extension arm?
  9. hmm... i might have found this thread a bit late. however i think i'll still have my say. the lock up is a brilliant place (where may i add i have practiced at quite a few times.) also samat is a great guy who is really serious about music and the industry, hence the reason this space is being offered to serious musicians. it ain't like other spaces to practice in aberdeen, it's bigger, with cheaper prices and to be honest it just rules! Harry hell
  10. my point exactly. hold onto it for a while then when the time is right sell it. plus i remember a couple of years back you telling me how much you loved that guitar!
  11. you can't sell that man. keep it in the honour of dimebag. and if you really do want to sell it wouldn't you get a lot more from the like's of a dealer?
  12. And i've seen it before everyone. Oh the joys of limewire. downloading is great!
  13. such a sad loss, he was a great wrestler and performer. an icon to those who knew him. rest in peice Eddy.
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