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Graham Knight

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Everything posted by Graham Knight

  1. and Pintetop Perkins of Pinetop's Boogie Woogie fame was born in 1913 that makes him 97. he was terrific when he played in Edinburgh last year and he must be an optimist as he has gigs booked as far ahead as April next year! Pinetop Perkins Official Web Site
  2. This was Jerry Lee Lewis playing Great Balls of Fire and Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On - last night at his 75th Birthday Show. Mind you Chuck Berry will be 84 next month and he is still working too.
  3. THE LEMON TREE LOUNGE : Productions : Howard Marks He was outrageously good when he was last at the Lemon Tree. The movie of his life as an MI6 spy, smuggler, DJ etc comes out next month but who wants to see an actor playing him when the real Howard is in town. His question and answer sessions are always very interesting and most revealing. Howard on licking a DMT toad: "Once taken there is no turning back -? no regrets or one is doomed from the start" I hope this doesn't start a run at Aberdeen pet shops. It should be another great night with Mr Nice. .
  4. I forgot to say the photographic exhibition's last day is tonight - so go along and grab a picture.
  5. Congratulations to Aberdeen Music member Dave Officer on an excellent exhibition of his work - some marvellous pictures. Thanks also to Alan Cynic for his music at the event. Although I have some of his Cd this was the first time I had seen Alan perform. Very few musicians would have the confidence to start with an unaccompanied 4 minute acapella-style song about saving Union Terrace Gardens. Alan went to amaze me by getting a huge sound by combining sounds created by a single guitar and an amplified zither. These instruments were either picked, plucked and attacked by a variety of vibrating products - to great effect. It was all quite astonishing and I must go to his next show. Well done Alan and Dave.
  6. I will be there tonight. Could you put one of your books aside for me please? And Alan if youare reading this bring both your latest CD's - it'll save you posting them through my letterbox like you kindly did last time. CU both tonight.
  7. I've been to lots of places all over the World but I still like to go to Stonehaven!
  8. It was quite cloudy last night at around midnight but was pretty clear at 3am and the best display I have seen this year so far. Re satellites: they move quite quickly across the sky and of course they aren't very far away. You can also spot the Space Station as its recently added new solar panels that appear to light up when the station is in sunlight and we are in darkness. below is a helpful link: 2010 - NASA Science
  9. lots of meteors last night. About one trail every minute - sometimes a couple together. Hope it a cloudless night tomorrow for Dave's photographic expedition.
  10. Hi Skacel, Good that you enjoyed watching the meteors last night. The Perseids meteor shower is annual event and as you say it is due to very small particles of debris that trail behind the Swift Tuttle Comet. this comet comes pretty close to Earth and many scientist predict it is on a collision course to hit us in the year 4479 so need to lose any sleep tonight worrying about a sudden and severe impact. Far better to lose sleep by staying up late and getting yourself to a location where there are no street lights. I am fortunate to live in a village with no street lighting and last nights display was excellent and it will continue for another five nights. The peak for viewing shooting stars should be on Thursday night. Every night until the 13th will be good for seeing this spectacular natural display. The trail is caused by small particles entering our upper atmosphere where they burn up and glow. The longer the trail - the bigger the particle. Start by looking towards the north east at an elevation of about 50 degrees they will appear to emanate from the constellation known as Perseus . Tonight there should be between 50 and 60 meteors visible every hour until dawn. Just before dawn the apparent radiant point will have moved to appear to be almost overhead. We are fortunate this year to have a very dark sky as we do not have a full moon. This link is to a picture that shows two natural phenomena a meteor trail crossing a night sky that is already lit up by a display caused by the aurora borealis but that is another story. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/galleries/showimage.php?i=16532&c=member&imageuser=5210 and of course when Jack Hammer wrote the lyrics for "Great Balls of Fire" - he was refering to meteors too. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/galleries/showimage.php?i=16531&catid=member&imageuser=5210
  11. Lucky Rathen's bte noire Lucky Rathen's bte noire gets his comeuppance Former Neighbours star admits speeding rap | Scotland | STV News
  12. Why I'd like to dump a barrow of manure on Mick Jagger | Mail Online
  13. Flash - this is a great piece of work. It should be read and re-read and taught at all the business schools instead of the airy fairy stuff they get now. Although this applies to the club, bar and entertainment industry - the same principle applies to most consumer goods - even furniture, clothes, electronic goods etc. Well done Flash. Good to see a touch of reality.
  14. Don't think this counts I know you created this great thread Ryan but surely this does not count. And before some claims it - Google Street Cam photos don't count either! I only saw myself in the window when I was looking to see if Shaki had been spotted going into the Queen Vic. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/galleries/showimage.php?i=16512&catid=member&imageuser=5210
  15. At work I meet lots of customers who have been daft enough to allow these scammers to remotely control their PC. The scam artists then usually move the documents folder to a semi-hiddden location and then they ask the customer to check for any recent letter they wrote. Of course when the customer looks it does not appear to be there. The scammers don't bother to search the PC for passwords and credit card details - they simply ask for the customers credit card numbers and charge them about 100 to eliminate the virus and recover their documents. Lots of customers are reluctant to tell the police or trading standards that someone has made a fool of them. After all they gave them access to their PC and gave them their CC numbers. Another customer this week gave her credit card and bank details to someone who e-mailed saying she had won a lottery. Apparently the thought that you couldn't win something you did not enter - did not enter her head. I believe these crooks are based in Manchester and they definitely don't have UK accents. Good Robert that you kept them hanging on the line - after all you are the 60 minute man:)
  16. police arrest horny man Horny Man In Assault Bust - July 14, 2010
  17. I was once at a humanist funeral at the crematorium and I realised it would be a bit different to usual when there was no organ music but the speakers were belting out Duke Ellington's Mood Indigo at a fair volume. After some words about the deceased love of music we were told he wants you all to smile as you leave so you will all recognise Blue Suede Shoes and he wanted you to know that he is wearing his favourite pair. Also at the same place fat the service for Alex Sutherland who led the band at Grampian TV and was a great arranger of music for many artists. Alex's whole band were there and gave him a rousing send off playing Alexander's Rag Time Band. For myself, my will already states that if I haven't spent it all the money, my relatives have to ring Jerry Lee Lewis and book him to play Great Balls of Fire one more time.
  18. I remember quite a lot of it as the TV was on all day at work and I remember thinking this was a good idea by Bob Geldof - it was a last chance for him to try to relaunch the Boomtown Rats who had already faded from popularity. I remember Phil Collins managed to play at both the UK and US shows thanks to getting a much publicised free lift to the a Concorde in a helicopter piloted by Noel Edmonds - better him than me - imagine getting in an aircraft piloted by Noel Edmonds. Sting sang vocals with Bigsby's heroes - he sounded awful to me. BB King and Bo Diddley were the best of the Americans. The Beach Boys did well and Madonna spent a lot of time yabbling where's Sean (Penn) when she should have been singing and playing her tambourine (badly). Scotland's Midge Ure put a lot of work into getting artists for the show and never got much credit for it as he was overshadowed in the subsequent publicity by Mr Geldolf. Princess Diana was there and so was Charles - with his special royal earplugs. Harvey Goldsmith was the promoter who pulled most of it together - this was long before Mr Goldsmith lost a fortune trying to doing something similar when there an eclipse that could only be seen in Cornwall. The Eclipse Show eclipsed Harvey's ambitions for a while but he came back strong but the Boomtown Rats did not. Funniest bit was Mick Jagger changing his pants on stage during a number with Tina Turner. That number had a memorable ending with a younger Tina ending up in a leotard after Jagger encouraged a wardobe malfunction - a gimmick that would be repeated twenty years by Justin Timberlake and Miss Jackson. And just to cheer up Bigsby Sultans of Swing is currently being played as I listen to KLRZFM - The Rajin' Cajun' from Louisiana. KLRZ-FM
  19. I would be interested in receiving a PM from anyone who has filled in this form re selling musical performance DVD's. http://www.prsformusic.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/Product%20Licensing/AP1_DVD1_AVP_Application_Form.pdf Thanks in advance.
  20. Here are some quotes from an article in today's Telegraph. Prince, the 52-year-old music icon has pronounced the internet dead, refusing to use any digital platforms to distribute his music. By Emma Barnett, Technology and Digital Media Correspondent Published: 10:30AM BST 06 Jul 2010 Prince also criticised the advent of gadgets and computers Instead the artist has opted to release his latest album 20Ten in CD format only as a cover-mount free giveaway with The Daily Mirror this weekend. Talking to The Mirror, Prince said: The internet is completely over. I dont see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They wont pay me an advance for it and then they get angry when they cant get it. Prince also criticised the advent of gadgets and computers: All these computers and digital gadgets are no good. "They just fill your head with numbers and that cant be good for you. Prince has taken his war against the internet one step further by shutting down his official website. His battle began in 2007 when he famously announced his intention to file lawsuits against eBay, YouTube and the Pirate Bay for the misuse of his music. Ever since he has banned such sites from using his music in any fashion and refused to work with legal paid-for options like iTunes, 7Digital or eMusic. His new album is his 27th release and may be distributed via Warner Brothers in the US but there will be no downloads available in the world. He certainly has some interesting views and his arrangement wih the Daily Mirror guarantees him a gold record but how many will be thrown away by non Prince fans? Discuss.
  21. Art installation brings 60 pianos to the streets of New York City - CNN.com Or would the pianos disappear overnight.
  22. The original recording of Constipation Blues - enjoy!
  23. I shouldn't really laugh at this as the poor guy was in hospital for 11 days and is now waiting to find out whether he is going to prison ..... but
  24. Link to 16 great pictures of Chas at the Lemon Tree - all taken by Aberdeen photographer Dod Morrison Chas and his Rock 'n' Roll Band @ The Lemon Tree Aberdeen : Safe Concerts Photo Gallery HTML: festivals, gigs and events, concert safety, Gig Reviews, Gig Guide, discussion forum, Festival Survival, Gigging Abroad Guide, Safety Survey, Security - saf
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