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Everything posted by ZeromiserY

  1. i have this whole thing about a pink rocket i'm going to build when im rich and who's going to be on it. the rocket will be filled with people i hate then launched into the sun. travis barker has been in seat number two for about 5 years right next to ricky gervais in seat 1. if you're wondering why the rocket is pink its just a final insult to all onboard. travis barker wouldnt know music if it came up and bit his arse.
  2. I'll post a couple up tonight. 8-)
  3. desperate times/measures. 220? its a seriously crackin' bass but i just dont play it. still open to offers of a trading nature. i'm always interested in electronics.
  4. Love it. Anyone who'd actually do that should be immediately ejected from the premises. It's just good to know the option is there should a situation arise that you need 74 minutes of fantmas for 1. They all laughed at volcano insurance.....
  5. sports out, music in. its my ideal world condensed into a bar. still got the awesome music boxx that lets you play the whole of delirium cordia for 1?
  6. thanks for the info, you'll be missed. is that a certainty? is this one of those "awwww min, moshulu/warehouse etc has closed" only for it to re-open under a different name suspisciously close to freshers week?
  7. fits happenin' noo? they were meant to be playing warehooce but noo it's closed i da ken fits a dae.
  8. I'll get back to you on that one. been so long since i had the box open i cant remember. will check when i get home
  9. bitchin' rain indeed. perfect word to describe it. i haven't seen anything like it in Scotland in years. saw some sheet lightning and the thunder was pretty hardcore. the rain woke me up at 12:30am, it sounded like someone was blasting my window with coarse sand. sat up and watched the lightning flashes for about half an hour.
  10. More specifically RROD box's wanted but looking for any broken xbox's in general. If you've got a broken xbox and have already replaced it (but not discarded the old one for whatever reason) I'll pay 20 for it with cables. 10 without. If you have a RROD box that's sitting in a cupboard collecting dust and you haven't replaced it I'll attempt a repair (with no promise of a definate fix) for 60. If I can't get it working it won't cost you a penny. Usually can return your xbox if fixable within 48 hours (compared to microsofts 2 months). If your interested or have any questions please post or PM me. ZM
  11. MW was good but the class system is so unbalanced its a joke. i tried out the ninja, the combat knife and the 'noob tube' with the one man army exploits and racked up so many kill streaks i couldnt call in anymore air support and still had 5 killstreaks to use in one game. i had about half of my teams kills to myself. i've only ever played the bad company battlefield games and IMO BFBC 2 rocks. there are some exploits popping up that can be annoying though, (IE the C4 attached to the UAV as metioned in my first post) once you get into a decent squad of friends and get some momentum/teamwork going its a great laugh though. especially when playing rush and you get down to 1 m-com station but only 2-3 team deaths left and you get that final grenade or C4 off to claim the game.
  12. I'm sorry, we dont all have 1000 to spend on a gaming pc. fuck, i think its good, everyone i've played with thinks its amazing. i guess the PC snobs just dont get it. edit, nae need btw. this thread wasn't an invitation to spark yet another "my pc is a million trillion times better than your console coaz it has a mouse and stuff roflol - point and click headshotzz!!!11!!" argument.
  13. really need 3 tickets for this gig, someone told me "wu-tang playin glasgow in august", i didnt realise they meant august 1st! its a bit late to be ordering tickets now. i know its unlikely but if you dont ask.... thanks ZM
  14. It seems to have done the trick. Maybe the neighbours put in something that was affecting it. It's still a bit slow but I'm getting full signal on the pc and phone now. No more getting punted off xbox live mid game anymore either. Muchos gracias.
  15. i'm just thinking that changing the channel could possibly up the speed or even my wireless adapter could be the issue. its probably maxed but you never know. i've never tried a speed test with ethernet connection. will post results tonight when i get home. thanks all.
  16. I knew the method but not the IP/user/pass. I was always with o2 until I moved in march and have done port forwarding etc buy it was with the bt router. So thanks for the info! I think it depends who you get through to on the phone, I had huge problems with bt as well. Had intermittent connection for months and finally it cut out altogether. Was without connection completely for 3 weeks. I had been telling them for months what the issue was but what do I know right? Ass-bags I get around 11mb connection with sky but my friend who lives 5 minutes up the road gets a ba' hair aff 20mb/s. We have the same package. I think they are starting to hold back contention now since their 6 months free deal.
  17. I'll try switching up the channel when I get home, never though of that. I know from memory that mine is the only sky connection within range. I haven't added any new electronics like you mentioned so hopefully the change of channel will help. Thanks for that.
  18. Anyone else think this is one of the best FPS....ever? I've already spent two sessions that lasted over 12 hours playing it. I'm keen on FPS's but I don't think I've ever played one session of different games for that long, let alone just one game for that long. I thought mw2 was good until I played this. It's pretty much MW but without killstreaks (which I wasn't a fan of) but the inclusion of vehicles. The controllable UAV is a favourite. (though I have a slight issue with the friendly fire. Being that you can have a team mate attach 6 bricks of C4 to it then fly it into an M-COM station, detonate and not do any damage to the UAV. That's going to get spammed to fuck. Also, the combat knife just doesn't feel right after all those hours of COD online. Apart from that though I'm struggling to find much else wrong with the game. Anyone found any decent setups so far or have any gripes with it I haven't brought up? I know there's a gamertag thread already but I'm steeev86 on XBL if anyone is looking for squad members. Zm.
  19. Anyone have any problems with the wireless router you get when you sign up? (aside from the mountain of other problems I've had with them and their service) the router keeps knocking my wireless devices off. I thought to start with there was a problem with Xbox wireless adapter but then realised my phone and pc were getting intermittent connection. I've connected the pc and 'box to the router directly with the good old RJ45 (ethernet) cable and the connection is solid and consistent. When the the wireless connection does work, the speeds are really slow and I either have to restart the router or the device to get a normal connection. Even then it only lasts a few minutes at best. Any ideas what it could be? I'd rather not spend 30 minutes in a que just to get redirected and have to give my details 5 times. Thanks. zm.
  20. Homepage | Major League Gaming MLG Pro Player Listing | Major League Gaming - there's a list of "officially pro" Halo 3 gamers on that page.
  21. had a pm with a couple of questions. thought it would be a good idea to update the post with the info. the box wasnt chipped, it was softmodded. the HDD was expanded to 80GB
  22. i have an original box for sale which has been hacked six ways from sunday. includes: XBMC (xbox media centre - for streaming movies to your xbox from your pc) various emulators (megadrive, snes, nes, MAME, ps1, N64 etc) modified halo 2 heaps of other stuff i cant remember off the top of my head if you want more info PM me. ideal for people who love old consoles but dont have the room for 11teen off them around the house. also great for use as a media centre/extender. i assume you already know a little about it if you opened this post. if you dont but are intrigued them PM please. offers only, dont really know the value of these things anymore. thanks ZM edit, comes with 3 controllers (if i can find them all!) halo 2, silent hill 4. also assistance for anything you'd want to do with it.
  23. heres the latest update sent from our company to all staff and clients: "The volcanic eruption has reduced and the volcano is not currently emitting ash to altitudes that will affect the UK. Assuming there are no further significant ash emissions we are now looking at a continuously improving situation. Based on the latest information from the Met Office, NATS advises that the restrictions currently in place across UK controlled airspace will remain in place until 0700hrs tomorrow, Tuesday 20 April 2010. From 0700hrs tomorrow, Tuesday 20th April, Scottish airspace will be open, and south to a line between Teesside and Blackpool. Mainland Scottish airports will be open. This is a dynamic and changing situation and is therefore difficult to forecast beyond 0700hrs local; however, the latest Met Office advice is that the contaminated area will continue to move south with the possibility that restrictions to airspace above England and Wales, including the London area, may be lifted later tomorrow (Tuesday). NATS will continue to monitor Met Office information and review their arrangements in line with that. It is now for airports and airlines to decide how best to utilise this opportunity. Many aircraft will require to be repositioned before normal service can be resumed." theres hope yet Neil!
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