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Everything posted by ZeromiserY

  1. He must have had a whale of a time in that plaice if he fell asleep on a surfboard??
  2. If you deleted a' the trolling posts on the site there wid be nae site left min. We wouldn't want to hurt the OP's feelings now would we? Did you see my posts in that fucking travis barker thread? Not one of those was deleted and it was the trolliest trollfest there ever was. The OP won't be back anyway, 2 posts and nae feedback. And thank you, in da house was entirely unneccesary.
  3. i just want to know the reasoning behind deleting more than one users posts without explanation. it's monkey B.O surely saying "in da house" is reason enough to delete the whole post in the first place?
  4. That's a bit better, I don't know if it's gonna fly though. See Rathen
  5. Careful now, that's a bit off topic. That post may vanish overnight.
  6. Fair point, but I'm sure you get my meaning. I mean I was just taking the piss. I though that's what 60% if ab-mus post count consisted of?
  7. You wouldn't, I would. Are you going to delete my post about kyuss reforming too? (assuming you don't care much for kyuss and therefore are unlikely to post about them?)
  8. not really, i know where they went. it's more why they went i'd like to know as if this dude has a right to moan about whaling but no one has the right to not give a fuck? that whale toast post (hey, that rhymes:popcorn:) was classic.
  9. Speaking of which.... Where did our responses go?
  10. I think he uses windows 7 in private browsing feature. Dexter is a pc, and he created windows 7
  11. AhahahahahHa. good point. Do you think he's got a B&Q loyalty card with thousands of dollars of unused points on it? Maybe he buys the Christmas tree with them in December?
  12. Did anyone else get muscle spasms in their arse cheeks watching that? One of the comments on that one is classic. "no xbox? No ps3? No problem, we go to tower".
  13. Sorry. Should have added a spoiler warning. Get caught up and join us!
  14. There's something off about the nanny too. Masouka's flashlight walking and air nipple tweaking was side-splitting stuff. Just finished watching episode 7, not much in the way of development. It progresse exactly as you'd expect and the car crash.... You see it coming a mile off. (I'm not giving anything away. Trust me)
  15. Vince Masouka is the boy. He should have his own show. I fuckin hate Quinn, I spend most of my time watching the new episodes screaming "FUCK OFF QUINN, WITH YOUR FAKE-TAN AIDS" at my tv I hope he gets nailed like Doakes. Robocop is in it now though! Excellent. Julia styles isn't winning any awards (unlike lithgow) You're right though. It is getting worse as it goes on.
  16. Anyone else watching it? I know it's mid season already but I can't figure out where they are going with he whole "Quinn is porkin' Debs and Quinn knows Dexter is a killer" thing. Or where the saved the last dance wifey part of the story is going. Thoughts? PS, I'd you haven't seen dexter then I suggest you dk so asap.
  17. Or right click the link above and select "save target as"? Something to consider: European Computer Driving Licence Foundation
  18. yeah, why dont you get on that?! this is a music discussion and gig announcement. i thought general was more appropriate but knew deep down in my heart of hearts that the mods would probablys shift it. i figured more people would see it this way. this is important damn it. KYUSS LIVES!
  19. good shit i havent been so excited about seeing a band since faith no more at download 09 christmas came early this year. the tickets are only 20 too.
  20. nice one dude, thanks whats a google? i kid, i know i know. i hadnt actually bothered to search. i assumed this thread would have had a link in the first place. either way, someone plus Rep' that man! i'm in negative so it makes no odds.
  21. that was my initial reaction but then i thought...."wait a minute, that still leaves Brant, John and NICK!" i havent seen nick play since the reading festival during the Rated R tour. i lived a dream that day, literally. i had a dream i was crowd surfing to better living through chemistry but it was being played backwards. i was standing watching them with my cousin (who i'd told about my dream) when a familiar song came but i didn'y quite know it. we looked at each other when the penny dropped with both of us at the same time. it was better living, backwards. i surfed over about 40 feet of crowd and hit the barrier just as the they started playing the real version. i remember looking up at nick in awe.
  22. I just got tickets to see kyuss in Glasgow on the fourth of April Here for tickets: Buy tickets for Kyuss Lives! at O2 ABC Glasgow, Glasgow - Seetickets.com Here for more info: Kyuss Reunite For 2011 UK Tour Minus Josh Homme | Gigwise In summary: they are now called "Kyuss lives" and Josh will not be featured in the line up. However Nick Oliveri, Brant Bjork and John Garcia are all present. I can't fuckin wait.
  23. Aye, like it. Wish there was a full length version somewhere.
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