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Everything posted by Elizabeth

  1. You could either: 1) Buy seating and then plot within the venue to get down to standing. All that is needed: Stealth and some nice people willing to participate in a little bit of crime. 2) Buy standing from a smelly tout outside for a no-doubt ridiculously high price. All that is needed: About 30quid over face value. 3) Buy seating and just dance up there. All that is needed: Legs for dancing.
  2. I want Kill the Old, Now The Action, Toys, Pause It and Stress on the Sky. Then, I would be a VERY happy bunny. It's unlikely they'll play any of those though. However, this is on my birthday, so people should request those for me, I'd love you forever, Biffy even more so if they actually played them. ...and I caved. :'(
  3. They've played Now the Action in the last two weeks?! Holy fuck. ...but, yeah, I thought Scary Mary was quite a random one, I don't know how I'd feel about it live.
  4. I know. Knowing all the words to all the songs just makes everything a bit more. ...but, like, I don't know, I want to, but, at the same time, I don't want to. I AM SO CONFUSED. Setlist from last night, according to somebody on el Biffy Boards: Living Is A Problem... (Full intro.) Saturday Superhouse 57 Some Kind of Wizard Who's Got a Match? Wave Upon Wave Upon Wave Now I'm Everyone Get Fucked Stud A Whole Child Ago Love Has A Diameter All The Way Down Kids From Kibble.. My Recovery Injection Justboy Glitter And Trauma ---------------- Encore: Semi-Mental SCARY MARY Jaggy Snake JDI
  5. I'm refraining from downloading because I am a wuss.
  6. Nup, release's been pushed back to the 4th of June. ...and, it's okay! My friend got his ticket.
  7. Does anyone have any spare tickets for this? I've got some friends that want to catch Aereogramme as much as possible and it turns out they're not supporting Biffy on the Exchange date so they want to come to this one. If anyone's got any tickets/knows where to get some; tell me? Box Office is completely sold out. :D/ :O
  8. Yes, yes you would be. Can't wait for this. That Fucking Tank should support. ...just because they've just come off the tour with ycni:milo and it would be awesome. Celebration for never having to do maths ever again.
  9. Ah, nae worries anymore. One of my friends has been listening to the Colin Murray Biffy thing and they played 'gramme so she's keen to come. (H)
  10. That disappointed me n'all. (RossP: One of the Klangers was on the floor, I believe?) Kling Klang weren't really my cup of tea, totally missed Paper CutOut as we only got there at about 8:30. 65' kind of disappointed me, I don't know what it was, but, I expected a bit more. Retreat! Retreat! sounded fucking superb though. I still enjoyed their set, didn't think it was too long at all; kind of wanted an encore actually, see if they'd play more songs, but, ah well.
  11. Tried to persuade the 'rents to drive me to the 'gramme date in Dundee; it's crazy I know people going to that one but not in Aberdeen. If I find someone to come with me for it though totally can't wait.
  12. That's the way testosterone works. I didn't make this one, but, make sure you get them again; I'll fo' sho' be there then... unless I die, or something equally unreasonable.
  13. Actually. I really don't think I'll be allowed to this and there's no-one to come with me... and I don't know where all my money's gone; I've got a tenner less than I thought and then the damn cash machine charged me and now I feel ill. Christ. I'll buy the CDs from Amazon.
  14. Do you think I'd be allowed to come in, buy some albums, then leave? I'd love to stay and watch but I don't think I can.
  15. SO MANY GIGS. imp are definitely one of my favourites. EDIT: The new album is actually ace. A lot more electronic (?) I found, than One Time and Math.
  16. I wondered what was going down at the Music Hall. I thought for a moment you meant TOL were headlining... *shakes head* scared me.
  17. I have a lot of love for you right now. Thanks a lot.
  18. I have no sense of what looks old and what does not. If I were to work in a pub, underagers would probably love me, and old people who look young would hate me.
  19. I DON'T KNOW. The one going around with the mailing list...?
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