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Everything posted by lowball

  1. Aye he got caught by the cops trying to pass off PVH as a real band
  2. I believe its BOREDOMS the creaking knee brigade better pace themselves in the dancing stakes
  3. Francois was really really good when he played Aberdeen last, will be there again. Have a liking for what I hear of Rozi as well
  4. yeh they look great, seen them about Aberdeen. really looking forward to this immense gig
  5. utter bollocks, playing England off Wembley Park & beating them as world champions will never ever be surpassed.
  6. spoiling us again, some really great nights in prospect, but to see Damon & Naomi in Aberdeen is rather fantastic news
  7. @ 17.50+booking fee, he would need to be amazing to get my cash............
  8. jeepers almost forgot about this. should be an excellent night, highly recommended
  9. well worth the admission money for Boredoms alone, but started to listen to Mr Gira & also his Angels of Light project, pretty spellblinding stuff. A fantastic night in prospect, can't wait for this to happen
  10. must have missed this, but Boredoms were fucking amazing @ ATP, this is a must see & I think in the Lemon Tree will be just perfect for them with joy
  11. this should be rather interesting & maybe a wee bit eerie
  12. I heard the new Found single on Radio 1 last night, it sounded fantastic & really unlike anything else I have heard, it was improvised, highland vocal accent, poppy, electronic, folky & accessible. the gig got plugged too, looking forward to seeing them again
  13. I would urge everyone to go see Found, ive seen them twice, once upstairs in The Lemon Tree where it sold-out & they recorded their Homespun CD, which is just brilliant. Just a great live unit.
  14. Really looking forward to this tomorrow night, wonder what the visuals will be like
  15. I agree fantastic line up, Found were superb the only time I saw them @ The Tunnels, (Vic Galloway champions them) Also love Hood, so getting some of Hood up to 'deen is great news. Looking forward to this already
  16. I would recommend Polmpo Polpo very highly & @ 1/2 price entry its a steal
  17. i thought damo & his improvisors were fantastic, gofones showed lots of promise special mention to the opening twosome who were probably one of the least funny pieces of bland nonsense i have ever had the misfortune to witness
  18. well i think all 3 bands were excellent, all in their own way. its very good to go to an event where all the bands are not matched too closely & thats what The Triptych Festival is all about.
  19. just wondered if people were conscious of a thread post & hits race for the 65days thread
  20. thats spooky, i'm sure thats one of imps that I saw at the door on Sunday
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