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Everything posted by fatboy

  1. how does this discussion apply to Acsention? Talented skilled musicians writing and performing music that someone could multitrack in their bed room with a funky program and get the same result
  2. The belmont picturehouse Facebook Page they uploaded this photo
  3. They are showing Predator at the Belmont on Thursday 29th of this month, oooyay
  4. well all the screens in the Belmont are smaller
  5. feeding Dutch my 8yo fat de-catted male acted differently to different foods I would feed him two pouches a day served in 4 halves during the course of the day. However on the 'meat' every time i headed to the kitchen he chase and barge past me, sit at his bowl and moan like a bitch! Now I only feed him dry food, I always keep it topped up and he never moans for food anymore, also he manages not to over eat like he would on the meat, He follows me to bed at night, he knows the routine and sometimes he is ready waiting for me. when i bed down to sleep he makes sure he gets under the covers and becomes the little spoon. *edit also I bought go-cat specially formulated dry food for indoor cats, It was a bit more expensive but I was convinced after I studied the back of the box in Sainsburys for a good 5 minutes. the cunt just spewed it up again
  6. how come you are looking for an auto wah, this wah is the bee's knees I wouldn't choose a auto wah over a conventional wah anyday
  7. Are you using shielded cables, as cheap ones will pick up the interference from any computer
  8. fatboy

    Pet Hates!

    so how do you make time to play the actual guitar?
  9. are these original x-boax games or x-boax 360 I can't tell from the titles, it may be obvious to someone like teabags
  10. fatboy

    Pet Hates!

    people who scan old photos to upload onto a computer who don't trim the picture.
  11. he was jumping at my heels for my selmer. But i just ignored him as I realised he would have no clue how do fix it, he also told me his neighbour can help him fix most things... boy sounds like a used car sales man
  12. I deleted the travellers thread cool
  13. most of them are certificate 18, sorry man
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