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Everything posted by fatboy

  1. fatboy

    Pet Hates!

    no wonder our manufacturing trade diminished
  2. fatboy

    GTA V

    F - Afro/Beard M - Beard T - Mullet/beard
  3. fatboy

    GTA V

    3 times I've managed to steal the fighter jet, 3 times the engine cuts out before I have the chance to save it in my hanger
  4. I can get inside knowledge about spar, i have spies
  5. I wish the CEX up here did music, The Doncaster store had a music section upstairs, however since I had limited time I couldn't check it out
  6. I prefer living in council property. 1. you don't have anal landlord that set silly rules. 2, if your boiler/electric something goes wrong there is means in place to get it sorted. Any time my boiler went, i just phoned richard irvine (the contracter to the council) boom they came round sorted it no fuss. 3. pets/smoking, there is no regulations for smoking, and you only require written permission for animal, that they never bother checking until.if they receive a complaint 4. It's easy to be behind in the rent, they have a long drawn out process that it takes for ever to evict you. just pay back a little more if your behind and they are happy. 5. You are entitled to make improvements to your home with no required permission, I could easily put down wooden flooring, redecorate the kitchen put in a shower. As long as they are done within reasonable standards. 6. no fear of random spot checks. 7. I can have all my own furniture and not restricted that if I had a private rent flat I would have to use the furniture that comes with the flat and maintain that they don't become damaged and in a fit state if I leave 8. cheap rent. 9. If the worst does happen and I loose my job, I have piece of mind that I wont have hassle claiming housing benefit when between jobs. 10. I can use blue tack, thumb tacks, 10 inch nails, I've bored guitar hooks in my living room, they dont care.
  7. Cowie carpets on the George st are good for their fitted prices too
  8. This upsets me, council flats aren't just that!
  9. you can try "instant neighbour" in st machar or "somebody cares" in summer hill for amenity help, however in most cases you may either be on some sort of benefits and/or have to be referred by a social worker.
  10. you'll be expecting light bulbs next. you seem quite disillusioned by the whole process, most cases of a housing association re-letting a property is that they empty everything that has been left by the previous owner, bill them for anything that hasn't be left in an acceptable condition and get it to a standard level for re-letting. Any council house won't come with anything, other than a boiler I didn't have a carpet in my bathroom for 6 years or my kitchen.
  11. I bought a second hand cooker, wiring one up is as simple as wiring a plug on an electrical appliance, you put the correct wires to the correct terminals on the outlet which will pre-wired to the mains, obviously cut mains power while wiring up. I've only really seen appliances and such in private let properties, housing associations have fixed rent per abode, they cant increase the rent if they put a cooker in. Plus they would have to further assist their upkeep.
  12. fatboy

    GTA V

    I'm sure "san Andreas" was meant to be a fictitious state that all the different places were contained
  13. fatboy

    Pet Hates!

    response to a job i posted on gumtree
  14. fatboy

    Pet Hates!

    Trophy Dogs, breeds being tainted with a stigma How many dodgers wi dogs did you spot today, I play that game daily
  15. It closed down, Cool thinker missed that one!
  16. fatboy

    Pet Hates!

    The first owners would have plumped up a large sum initially, they obviously didn't realize how much work it entails. If you are a genuine animal lover you would consider the well being of the animal over the cost of selling it. I could imagine some people who "want" a designer dog would make the same mistake as the first instance :/
  17. It really all boils down to each persons individual reasons for playing in a band. A guy who plays guitar, practices once a week, 2 gigs a month as a hobby is a prime example. He wouldn't be failing
  18. milner thanks for the offer however I'm needing one with a remote to tune in RF signals to jimmy via scart
  19. what do you consider as failing not getting signed/becoming famous?
  20. bet you had a wank when you read this thread when abidy changed their avatar to pictures of you
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