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Posts posted by Stripey

  1. We're still trapped in a fight to the death with technology but there is a rough demo version of the song 'Chemical' available here.

    Thank you.

    borrrrrrrrrrring, and the singer is crap even by the low standards of this genre. Listening to this makes me picture a downsyndrome kid bashing his head off a wall repeatedly. The breakdown around 2:50 seems out of time or something aswell.

  2. But thats my point....think about it......

    I know, I'm agreeing with you ;) I reckon there is something liberating about accepting the absence of meaning to life and the inevitability (and complete normality) of death, there's no point in worrying about it.

  3. Everything.....if i had no explaination for my life i would feel it to be pretty irrelevent....even if i had managed to make a 'difference' somehow....

    I kinda see life as being fundamentally meaningless, even if you "make a difference" all you are doing is impacting the life of other humans who are also going to die, that in itself means nothing. You might say that people like mozart or einstein live on, in some sense, as a result of their work, but now that they are dead, what difference does that make to them personally?

  4. Its true you have to accept it as an inevitablity......im not worried about it too much....but i was just thinking about it and it kind of freaked me out thinking that my life maybe completly irrelevent......

    Completely irrelevant to what?

    "To think of death, as everybody does sooner or later, causes anxiety. The only sure way to end anxiety once and for all is death."

  5. There are no good chipshops in aberdeen, because they are all fucking MINGING. Seriously, what is wrong with Scotland, all the "local" food is vile, unhealthy, bland, barely edible crap, soaked in grease. Where are the fucking patisseries and quality takeaways?

    Typical Aberdeen food :

    Fish and Chips - badly cooked fish (nearly always haddock or cod) covered in shitty batter with a portion of soggy chips oozing grease - DISGUSTING

    Pies and sausage rolls from bakers - Mystery meat stinking of onions, catfood, and old grannies houses, covered in the worst pastry you can imagine - DISGUSTING

    Cakes and buns from bakers - tasteless shit made with the worst ingredients, with added chemicals and usually stale, kept in fly infested counters. Honestly, where else in the world does a bit of stale shortbread with icing on it count as a TREAT?

    Go to just about any other country on the planet and decent, healthy, tasty food is available, so why not scotland?

  6. 359fudge_3.jpg

    ohhhhh the controversy! Clearly MMW are too big now to need any support from Aberdonians! So yeah, we're all wankers/cunts, lets argue about it like they hope we will, because all publicity is good publicity apparently!

    Mind you, if looked like I'd been hit in the face with a spade at birth and then shrunk in the wash I might have a little pent up anger too.

  7. whats a good programme for mixing?

    i programme and record everything in cubase...and then mix everything in vegas because i like the panning and volume lines/points.

    unfortunatly my copy of vegas has no eq' date=' so uhhh...my mixes sound kinda shit.

    can anyone recommend what i should use. also...i have a budget of about 0.[/quote']

    Cubase is as good as anything else for mixdowns, the EQ's on the channel strips are crap though, i prefer 3rd party (vst) EQ's / filters / compressors. Personally I do everything in FLstudio now because it's a lot faster to work with than SX or Logic.

  8. Im also trying to suss out how to drop some loops into my songs from an external programme' date=' "Abington loop software.


    load up your project, go to file ->import -> audio file, and it will add a track with your .wav (or whatever) format loop in it.

  9. If the whole world revoked and completly stopped paying for music and just downloaded it' date=' then music would cease to be.....everyone knows it a business and if they arent going to make any money then they wont bother paying ANY artists to record....its no secret....


    That's quite funny, coming from someone who says they are just making music "to have fun".

    Music as "business" is an artificial concept. Music is an artform, business only pollutes it, to the extent that economics begin to dictate the aesthetic, rather than than the tastes of the public, the consumer. The sad fact is, a direct result of this perversion of the artform, is that would-be artists also take their cues from the business defined aesthetic and we are left with a self-perpetuating circle of decline. The vast majority of bands in aberdeen now are a sad testament to this fact, and the sick thing is, people embrace it because they are so conditioned into that way of thinking that they don't know any better.

  10. there are some out there who don't seem to see anything wrong with nicking music which is commercially available.

    The fact is bands should put stuff on their own websites; live gigs' date=' past b-sides etc. I would.[/quote']

    I dont' see a problem with downloading music or software, the more people that do it the better. I believe in COPYRIGHT, in the sense that an artist or programmer can claim sole rights to the stuff they have produced. However, this is not the same as what the MPAA and RIAA would have you believe is copyright, what they are concerned with is royalities. They are nothing more than third-party pimps, exploiting both the artist and the consumer. I say download whatever you want, you would have to be a moron to spend 10 quid on a CD when you can download the same material off the internet for free.

    Don't whine crap like "oh but when you buy a CD or a vinyl you get the cover art and a sleeve!" What the fuck? Do you buy a marsbar because you like to keep the wrapper? Don't be fooled by these value-adding tricks the record companies use.

    We have power over the music industry, as consumers, in a way which is forever lost in other sectors. If we all continue to download music and films and software, they will be forced to change the way they operate. So what if they prosecute a handful of people, so what if they try to publicise those cases in an attempt to intimidate us? Technology has made their business model obselete, don't give in to the propoganda.

    To those of you who say shit like "i always buy the cd anway" or "i buy the cd because piracy damages the artists" - YOU ARE WRONG. Piracy damages the middle men, the fuckers who are ripping us all off, artists and consumers alike, and that's why they hate it. Therefore, PIRACY IS GOOD.

  11. i'd say PVH's music is influenced by great bands such bands as Shellac' date=' Oxes, Blood Brothers....would you say the same about those bands, their music and their 'audience'?!

    im presuming you just dont know anything about this style of music and/or bands mentioned?[/quote']

    Yeah I would say the same thing about those bands, their music, their audience, and the genre as a whole.

  12. Aye...okay... whatever... I mean obviously P V-H have never been inspred by anything of worth and have tucked themselves away without ever listening to the music 'they' want to listen to. Yer right! They are shit and I will now throw out all my records that made me want to play music! (Pssst... I get it. Sssssh)

    And Simon and Phil will be the first to commend folk for doin what they want to do even if they don't like it... I will add no more because I have now lowered myself to a silly argument that I vowed never to do... Time for sleep and dream of a world where we all like one music.... aaaaah the bliss... fields of flowers with gentle breezes and birds chirping... Summer all year long...........ZZZZZZzzzzz


    Don't mistake thinking for chord progressions. I too think what Simon and phil etc do is rather good! Ooooh look... I like more than one kind of music... Best go stick my head up my arse' date=' again!


    I certainly don't want to get into an argument. I mean, sometimes eating at mcdonalds can be quite pleasurable, but nobody in their right mind would compare a big-mac, fries and a milkshake, to a nicely cooked italian meal accompanied by a good bottle of wine.

    My idea of a "thinking" band isn't some music-theory-driven, by-the-book exercise in pretentiousness, I don't sit at home listening to perfect renditions of classic music performed by some orchestra, for example. But let's be honest here. This isn't clever music. This is music for the kind of people who laugh at Jackass and Dirty Sanchez, it's like those tv shows in the sense that its puerile, senseless and actually quite degrading and embarassing for those involved, when seen outside of the context of it's juvenile audience.

  13. I'm touching 40' date=' have a big forehead cause I'm bald and grin alot cause I farted and didn't let on it was me, and think that PV-H are one of Aberdeens better 'thinking' bands! I did see them this once and thought it would be great if they plugged in a washing machine for the third tune. Fucking odd coincidence huh!

    I'm also sure a clssroom full of "downs-syndrome kids" know what they fucking like!

    10/10 for listening to music outside the box!

    Jim (not in Drakes anymore) :rockon:[/quote']

    If this is one of aberdeens better "thinking" bands, I think that is a sad indictment of the quality of bands here. Or perhaps, of the audience for this kind of stuff.

    The only native band I've heard through this website, that I actually thought deserved to be called "thinking", is the simon gall band, that and philip johnstons solo efforts. You know...something that exudes some sort of finesse, rather than IM A CAVEMAN IM A CAVEMAN HEAR ME ROARRRRRRRRRRRRR lowest common denominator childish noise that simply sounds like frustration more than anything else.

  14. this really didn't do anything for me, think I'd need to be under 18 and pissed out of my brain to glean any sort of pleasure from it. To be honest, it just conjures up the image of a classroom full of downs-syndrome kids having simultaneous epilleptic fits, and, once the tune finishes, smearing themselves with their own excrement while grinning wildly, waiting for the teacher to give them a gold star.

    2/10, 1 point for having the mental capacity to co-ordinate picking up your instruments and playing at the same time, and a 2nd point for sounding marginally less monotonous than my washing machine.

  15. oh and i am the biggest fan of JACK VETTRIANO mmmmmmmmm he's paintings are luverly' date=' so peaceful yet sometimes so erotic and sneaky :love:[/quote']

    Vettriano is anodyne mass-consumption rubbish.

    Anyone seen Tracy Emin's 60,000 quid "sparrow on a stick"? (commissioned by the BBC, licensefee-payers!). I think she is shit, and also her face looks like it was designed by Dali.

    So, who has been handing out all the copies of the bluffers guide to fine art?


  16. The guy is a like a diet version of liam gallagher in that he has no artistic merit and behaves like he is some kind of superstar, which in his tiny mind justifies his drug abuse. Buying a ticket to go and see him is just retarded, it's a shame you can't get a refund off a tout.

    Seriously, who gives a shit about this twat except the NME reading dimwits who are dumb enough to buy into it. Well done, you paid to see him play, and at the same time bought a ticket entitling you to an excursion up your own arse. It must be great fun living in mongland, being led into nothingness by a procession of fools.

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