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Posts posted by Stripey

  1. and yeah' date=' id like to know how to get the masses out to more underground gigs too...! what is the magic formula?! :swearing::rolleyes:[/quote']

    personally what always put me off drakes was the regular clientele, and the fear that any of the gigs that didnt feature local crap bands and actually had some outside talent would still be the same kind of band and sound.

    Frankly I just don't think there is an audience in aberdeen that makes it worthwhile booking and hosting any decent "underground" stuff. Most of what people on this site seem to consider "underground" or "interesting" is either chinstroking a-musical unentertaining pap in venues which demand silence during sets, or craply performed and written schoolboy white trash honkey "its cool because its ironic" 80's style metal, or so called punk which is in all truth a living breathing contradiction and hideous tasteless frankenstein, or bands that write 20 second songs of shouting and distortion because they have no talent whatsoever except a skillful ability to sound like shit.

    I mean come on, what the fuck is wrong with the world when bands like Europe and Vanilla Ice generate genuine *excitement* among the gig going contingent?

    It's all gone wrong, I tell you! Run away!

    p.s to whome it may concern, tryptch is hardly underground considering the level of sponsorship and advertising.

  2. I kind of like that way of working' date=' as it can result in some interesting/unintentional surprises, especially if i'm working on drum/percussuion stuff![/quote']

    One of these days I am gonna tie you up and force you to watch me demonstrating how liberating and easy to use a decent vst sequencer is! Your tracks deserve better than cooledit, and I am being deadly serious when I say that.

  3. not a bad description' date=' but it doesnt beat this...

    "I normally appreciate anti music of this sort but to me this seemed like a horrid joke. It's one thing to perform noise with a sense of dynamics or intent. It's quite another thing to just haphazardly throw some crap together and try to pawn yourself off as an artist."

    i'm quite glad it irritated you so much.[/quote']

    nah you don't get it. It's not clever "anti-music", it's just crap. If your intention is to irritate people, then you have done that well, I would equate this to being as irritating as a pneumatic drill and a car alarm going off simutaneously, in the sense that it makes me think "fucking turn that shit off" and certainly not something I would willingly expose my ears to.

    "haphazardly throw some crap together and try to pawn yourself off as an artist". yeah that just about sums this up.

  4. my opinion is that this is bland irritating crap trying to pretend it's experimental or clever. It sounds like a load of slowed down samples which in the stoned mind of the guy who made it sounds like boards of canada. Which it does vaguely, only without any of the writing or production skill. After 2 minutes of waiting for something to happen I started skipping through the track hoping it would change but no, 9 mins into it and it's still the same.

  5. oh yeh' date='

    creativity stasrts weith the stomach, lets take restaurants in Aberdeen are the pigs-swill averageness & covservativeness in other words a complete lack of creativity. I love going out for a special meal but when we can do better@ home whats the point. How many vegetarian restaurants does Aberdeen have NIL a fucking disgrace. How many SUSHI bars? NIL How many cutting edge noodle bars NIL. The only glimmer of hope are a few regional italian's that have sprung up.


    Absolutely! Where are the patisseries, for example? It's a sad state of affairs when the best you can get in a local baker is a piece of shortbread with some bland cooking chocolate on it or a stodgy sausage roll that smells like a pensioners house full of stale catfood. I really wish aberdeen had late night coffeeshops, that did decent coffee and nice cakes etc, but I suppose that is impossible in a city where no civilised adult would venture into the town centre after 7pm on a weekend due to the hordes of pissed up cretins that take over the streets.

    Lets take cutting edge music events, Aberdeen is the only main city without a cutting edge leftfield music festivals Dundee, Glasgow, Edinburgh & Stirling all have their events. Not even a glimmer of one, why, the so called prime movers haven't even started talking about one. Why, because Aberdeen apart from a knowing clique is hybernating.

    Yes SHIFT fills a void, but I was disappointed about the lack of heads building on SHIFT 1.

    Whilst I acknowledge that the Lemon Tree puts on some fantastic theatre & dance upstairs, has there been anything as good as NDT 2 & Michael Clark playing His Majesty's far too many years ago. Why shit turn outs, why, yeh you've guessed it. Even when

    Terror & Magnificance made its world premier the HM was only 1/2 full.

    Yet a venue puts on utter cheese shite like e.g MYLO & it sells out, why, yes youve guessed it.................. Aberdeen audiences are in general happier pigging out on the bland easy pap.

    Architecture aberdeen has scot sutherlands, where are the cutting edge 20th century

    buildings in aberdeen. the centre of aberdeen is a fucking disgrace. The city godfathers

    have let profit related developers shove up any old buildings, to complement the grand pre 20th century buildings.

    The Art School, Aberdeen should have a massive buzz of graduates pooled in the city, but the graduates seem to move on. The art gallery is a grand building, but jesus the collections. Give me the Yorkshire Sulpture Park anytime.

    Aberdeen has two Universities, yet very little intelectual dialogue within the Arts, apart from maybe WORD. Why does this happen because of the usual

    rant over, come on i'm waiting

    I completely agree that most of the population of aberdeen is undiscerning and one of the things I hate about people up here is the safety in numbers mentality, the complete unwillingness to take risks, and the attitude that "im right because I say so" coming from completely ignorant people who haven't seen enough of the world and aren't educated enough to have any opinions or ideas which justify that arrogance.

    All the architecture here is hideous, a prime example is the newly built RGU building designed by norman foster - it looks like a fucking building site when you see it from the A90 as you drive into aberdeen. Union street is a shambles, george street is decrepit, and the seafront is an absolute fucking disgrace.

    Aberdeen has one of the most corrupt councils in the UK (i will find a link to this) and it really shows.

    The capital city of IRAN has a better and more modern integrated public transport system than Aberdeen.

    I feel like poland probably has nicer cities than aberdeen, walking through the city on a saturday night and observing all the inebriated fuckwits, empty shops and litter just makes me feel fucking ashamed of the place, and ashamed to be here.

    It's no wonder anyone with any talent or vision who might have gone through one of the uni's here LEAVES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

  6. well yeh our bands sound is really raw. Dirty rythm guitar and a trebly bass sound although if i got a keyboard or synth i think the bass guitar may be put on the back burner for the majority of live songs while i play the bass notes on the keys and chop and change between synth work and very low end guitar. The mini moog looks good like.

    You might find the micro-korg to your liking' date=' it's pretty decent for the price ( 250 quid or so) [url']http://www.dv247.com/invt/9229

    personally I would avoid vintage synths that don't have midi interfaces and toy keyboards like low end yamahas that you find in argos. If you want good bass sounds go for some virtual analogue synth (like the microkorg) that has at least 2 detunable oscillators and a decent modulation matrix. Above all, try and get a hands on demo before you buy anything.

  7. First time I have heard Filthpact...not the kind of thing I'm into atall. The recording sounds pretty horrible, drums are totally lost in the mix and have no dynamics. When the vocals come in, and at various other points, there is some unpleasant squashing of levels which gives me the feeling that someone has just killed the mixdown totally with some kind of limiter.

    On the plus side, I like the use of feedback at one point.

  8. I thought the whole thing was pretty predictable and boring, there was some amusing moments though:

    The guy from pink floyd, when asked about the rumour about dark side of the moon syncing up with the wizard of oz film : "nah its not true, probably just made up by some student sat alone in his bedsit smoking too much spliff"

    Noel gallagher acting like a total egocentric twat.

    The kid from the cover of that nirvana album all grown up and saying how he uses it to impress girls.

    Someone ( i think from the sex pistols ) saying how he's waiting for something like the sex pistols to come along again and shatter everything, but he can't guess what it would be. ( i thought this was interesting, because it sure as fuck won't be all the kids inspired by the sex pistols and other bands that broke the mould)

    Mani from the stone roses talking about stealing a tractor to go to some other bands (i think oasis) place where they were staying and nab their hash.

  9. If you aren't bothered about where you stay in Holland, I'd give Amsterdam a miss and stay somewhere like Leiden, which is a lot nicer (i.e it isn't full of crackheads, con-artists and wasted tourists) and just a short train journey from Amsterdam.

  10. Money no object...I'd produce it myself and give the label a recording which would hopefully only require minor tweaking for the format it's destined for and minimal work for their mastering engineer.

    I should add, that in this day and age, the creative process that is "production" is no longer confined to big expensive studios, and frankly I'm quite surprised at how long it is taking this fact to sink in to the minds of the "average band".

  11. Ok I have seen these threads, like "which aberdeen band talks the most shit" or "which aberdeen band makes you smile". Personally, I think a much more interesting question for those of us interested in beautiful music is "which aberdeen band really stands out as having a unique sound that sets them apart from the crowd". I mean that special something that the likes of Portishead or Massive Attack had. Individuality, finesse, and faith in their own creativity.

    Plenty of bands I have seen in Aberdeen make me smile, but for all the wrong reasons.

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