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Posts posted by Stripey

  1. Right. I have desperately been trying to stay out of this discussion as it involves going back to a time in my life I would rather forget. I am a former self harmer. For all those people that say it is only to grab attention- unless they are willingly showing off the scars- FUCK OFF. There are about 5 people in the world that know I used to cut myself (one found out by accident and told the rest' date=' apart from my girlfriend who I told myself) as no one EVER saw the scars. If they were on my stomach, I never removed my shirt (even in bed if I wasn't alone, unless it was completely dark) If they were on my arms, long sleeve shirts (i own a few so this never arose suspicion). And for all those people that say use piercings or tattoo's or waxing as a subsitute (confession I love you to bits, but you are so off the mark I could not bring this up in person without falling out with you) YOU KNOW FUCK ALL ABOUT THIS SUBJECT!! I have had a total of around 27 piercings, and NOT because of my self harming. I never got a single one during this period. Self harming is used as a form of release, for some the pain releases endorphins, for others seeing the blood run out of the wounds alows them to imagine that it is their pain leaving their body. And piercing, tattooing or waxing is not exactly a quick, instant process. My self harming is NOT something I am proud of that is why I never told anyone.

    As for a "cure" there isn't one. So far the advice about being supportive and not judging is 100% correct. The only way for someone to stop self harming is for them to want to stop, like any other addiction. Because that is what it is. Stand by them, ask them to speak to someone ie a councilor who understands this illness- but DO NOT FORCE THEM under any circumstances. Sometimes speaking to someone who does not know you, and has no preconceptions of who and what you are allows you to be more open. I know it helped me, and another of my friends who was also a self hrmer.

    Bitchygirl, if you would like any other advice as to how to help your friend please PM me. I am only to happy to help, but I would rather not discuss it any more in a public forum, as there are obviously some people on here who believe it to be a joke.

    Oh, and for the record,..... I am male.[/quote']

    Self harm is a western phenomenon, and as I said, where does the initial intent eminate from?

    Self harm is a culturally aquired behaviour that is just 1 facet of the extensive social, and mental decay evident in our society today.

  2. self harm defies logic. You cannot equate it with piercing or tatoo. A question that interests me:

    1. What stimulus gave the person the idea that cutting their body was a desirable course of action? It goes against natural human instinct.

  3. So yeah...a friend of mine just told me she cuts herself. I don't really know what to think or say or do. I'm not sure of my opinions on it' date=' it's a little strange, not something i've ever thought about before.

    What are your views on it?[/quote']

    buy her a gun, I hate half finished tasks.

  4. hey' date=' everyone thinks a thin girl could beat you in a fight!

    look here puny human

    in my head i compare you to a bloated greasy maggot, creeping about when no ones looking eating up dog shit and similar stuff.this maggot is proud of itself, and rightly so.thats the mental image i have of you dear friend.

    Hey here's a novel idea - why dont you post a track of your own making that exhibits some degree of technical skill or musicial proficieny?

    Go on, I dare you.

  5. hey' date=' everyone thinks a thin girl could beat you in a fight!

    look here puny human

    in my head i compare you to a bloated greasy maggot, creeping about when no ones looking eating up dog shit and similar stuff.this maggot is proud of itself, and rightly so.thats the mental image i have of you dear friend.

    whatever you say, mister "i've got a record for assault and no musical or technical talent" In my head I compare you to a tramp on the street firing hideous drunken poems at anyone who happens to walk past

  6. Music is about compromise - the main point is for others to hear what you are doing' date=' so I think you should understand that while you should pursue a course and style of music that you are comfortable with, you should also (maybe subconsciously) realise that what you are doing is ultimately attempting to win the respect and like of other people. That's why you play live and release records.


    maybe for you it's about comprimise, but you ought to remember that some people still view music and composing as an art form where expression is the main point, rather than some feeble vehicle for ego.

  7. i have noticed in the last few years that aberdeen is fast becoming the place to be

    we have a great music scene' date=' we seem to have lots of great bands coming to play and they seem to get a great reception, its great to see people who are passionate about music

    i have also been impressed with some of our local bands and acts too

    lets hope it continues[/quote']

    yeah aberdeen is full of great bands producing fantastic stuff, its a city packed full of burgeoning talent and as the epicenter of musical talent in scotland it can be likened to a strawberry so ripe on the vine that nobody could resist plucking the swollen tender fruit, which if it was left a moment longer to mature would almost certainly become host to a multitude of parasitic maggots.

    Anyway, jokes aside, are you taking the piss? Aberdeen, "a great music scene" ?

  8. If you didn't actually believe what you'd posted here it would be a brilliantly conceived slice of shit stirring genius. Instead' date=' it's just a lot of bollocks.[/quote']

    nah it's not bollocks, it's very true, and I feel sorry for people like you with such emaciated taste in music and malnutritioned spirit.

  9. I find it interesting that what started out as a simple statement questioning the merits of playing live against recording' date=' with no mention of genre, eventually came round to focus specifically on one style of music, namely "rock".


    Sadly inevitable on this site.

    I think that in the majority of styles of music' date=' be it classical, folk, country, jazz or rock, it's not the interaction with the crowd that is the most important, but the interaction with the other people with whom you are playing. Regardless of whether or not you have an audience, playing with other people is still playing live. An excellent example of this is the many folk sessions which occur in various pubs in Aberdeen (Globe, Prince of Wales, Blue Lamp) - all the people there are playing live. Some are beginners, some are extremely talented, some are inbetween and the majority have little or no interest in recording anything. They play live because they enjoy the whole experience of interacting and sharing with other musicians to create an end result.

    This isn't to say that the same interaction cannot be done in the studio, but a studio is a completely different environment - you normally have limited time (due to budgetary constraints) and you tend to have already a fixed idea about what has to be done.

    Playing live in front of an audience when your band is fully rehearsed, your songs are good and the crowd are really enjoying themselves is, in my opinion, the pinnacle of musical enjoyment - again because of the sharing element. Everyone in the venue is part of the experience. The crowd are excited, the band feed off this excitement, producing adrenalin, which fuels their own playing and creativitiy, which in turn restokes the crowd and so on. So I don't feel that playing live can ever be described as "selfish" - people may have put selfish reasons for wanting to do it, but it still boils down to a shared experience.

    Individual artists - be they singer/songwriters, solo instrumentalists or electronic/computer aided musicians do have the ultimate control over what they ultimately produce, and can spend vast amounts of time honing and polishing their finished work. Once complete, the work is truly theirs - no-one else has had any input and when it is released/played they can sit back and say "That's mine - no-one elses". A band of whatever genre who record something have to sit back and say "That's ours".....

    Which is more selfish?



    Well, I was actually referring to ulterior motivations for performing when I said selfish...nonetheless you have made some interesting points.

    Calling solo artists selfish is a bit rich though, the innate desire of artists in any field to express themselves is a different type of egotism altogether, you wouldn't call beethoven or van gogh selfish for creating what they did, infact, in my opionion, solo and non-live artists have consistently produced more interesting, innovative, heartfelt and revealing works than any typical band of any genre.

    I would rather hear or see the individualistic output of a single person than the result of comprimise and concensus that is inevitable in a collaboration.

  10. As for live versus recorded' date=' after thousands, maybe tens of thousands of years playing live I don't think us inferior ape-like beings are going to give up live music just yet, especially not just to please you.[/quote']

    I'm not suggesting anyone give up playing live, just that bands could pay more attention to producing more interesting/better recordings instead of treating them as being of secondary importance.

  11. rock is dead because it has reached the end of its lifetime as an innovative form of music. It's sonically bland, uninteresting, and not atall creative, and it belongs in the 1990s.

    The reason most of the local bands here are boring and uninspiring to any discerning listener outside of aberdeen, is because they are essentially a bunch of rural fuckwits trying to emulate the rock bands they grew up listening to in their sheltered environment, people who have extremely narrow taste in music and ultimately no creative talents. I think this is why there is so much emphasis on live performance in this city, and so many poor recordings.

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