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Mick Maverik

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Everything posted by Mick Maverik

  1. L.A. Guns!!!!!!! They were one of the most fuckin' rockin' bands on the sunset strip, yet hardly anyone knows who the hell they are. "was that the band Axl Rose used to be in...?" Sheesh! Andy Phil Lewis = Sleazy bastard & legend Tracii Guns = Band whore!! But I loved his riffage and solos
  2. This was a really nice lil gig! I really enjoyed Fester's set! I'd never seen them before, but nice tunes and good banter at the intermissions! Haha! Atom were ace as always! Great stuff! Andy
  3. I've been watching a lot of this the past 2 days! (bought Season 1 & 2 off Ebay) It's fuckin' ace! I didn't expect it to be as good as Family Guy, but I think it pulls it off! Roger the Alien is fuckin' ace! How does everyone else rate it compared to similar shows? (ie. The Simpsons / Family Guy / Futurama) I think it might just top my list with Family Guy a close 2nd! Andy xx
  4. really funny you should post that! I was just checkin' this guy out like 10 mins ago! His name is Bill Clement, or so I'm informed by my cousin anyway! Andy
  5. Cheers for this! I'd heard of Victor Wooten, but never heard him play. That is some funky shit! I really dug it! Andy
  6. Em I dunno, I'll decide that in good time. Let me actually form the band first haha Andy
  7. Well fuck me! I'm shocked to say the least! So far I have: 2 Guitarists / 2 Bassists / 2 Singers / 1 Drummer / 1 Back-Up singer interested! Ok! This could be a lot of fun! Right, well I think I'll need to get a couple of jams on the go with everyone interested! I think Aberdeen needs this so very badly! I want to give the scene a good kick up the ass! Andy
  8. We're definately talkin the real deal here dude! No mediocore Foo Fighters pish or nerds tryin to pretend they're hard metal-core pish here! Andy xx
  9. Wow! Ok I'm actually quite shocked at how well this has been recieved so far! Thus far I have 3 people up for it! Assuming all parties remain interested, we're only short of a spandex clad, screamin' lead singer!! Keep the replies comin! Andy xx
  10. I promised I'd post this to people ages ago. But I've been a lazy fuck and now its due in tomorrow and im worrying. So if anyone can please fill in a questionaire and PM me your answers asap it would be much appreciated. Thanks Please be honest in your answers. 1. Are you... *Male 2. How old are you? 19 3. Do you live in Aberdeen? *Yes 4. On average, how often would you say you go to watch live music in Aberdeen? (delete as appropriate) *Once or twice a month 5.Which of these venues are you most likely to watch live music reguarly? *Moshulu *Lemon Tree *Kef *Tunnels *Cafe Drummonds *Moorings Bar 6.Are you most likely to go see a band if: *Your friends are going too *Your friends band is playing *You like the description of the band on flyers/posters 7. Which of the following are factors why you might not go out to watch live music? (leave all that apply) *No bands that interest you *Lack of transport to get to town and back *Can't afford to go 8.Do you need to rely on transport to go to watch live music? *Yes 9.If yes, are you most likely to? N/A 10. How do you find about live music in Aberdeen? *Flyers/posters *Internet - Aberdeen Music / Myspace *Through friends 11.How much are you willing to pay to watch local bands in Aberdeen? *I don't watch local band line-ups *£4-5 12. How much are you willing to pay to watch a touring band in Aberdeen? *£10 or over 13. Do you prefer to see: *Line-ups were bands are from a similar general 14. Which genre (s) of music are you most likely to go see live? - Rock / Metal / Blues / Acoustic / Punk 15. Is there anything which could make live music a more enjoyable experience for you? 16. What would you like to see more of in Aberdeen regarding live music? - Glam Metal But I'll see to that myself! 17. Anything else you would like to add? - Nope
  11. Ok this is a massive shot in the dark, but here goes anyway! I'm a Guitarist lookin to put together a Glam Metal band in Aberdeen. At the moment it'd just be for fun (but that could change). I'm looking for people into the likes of: L.A. Guns, Motley Crue, Crashdiet, Hanoi Rocks, Poison, Ratt.....etc etc. But I'll have to warn anyone potentially interested (if any haha): I do want the band to Glam it up for the stage (see image for reference) We'll be playin covers, and originals as they come. I play mainly rhythm Guitar with a little lead, but I promise ya I can write crunchin Glam Metal riffs with the best of them! To get an idea of the sort of sound I'm going for (not exactly though) check out my other band Peep Show (based in Edinburgh): http://www.myspace.com/peepshowroxx If interested, just reply here or PM, Cheers Andy xx
  12. Hey, what time are Atom due onstage on Saturday? And would I be able to drop in after 10? Or will the doors close once the first act takes the stage? Cheers Andy
  13. was arite, nothin special though... Andy xx
  14. Def Leppard - Let's Get Rocked - "Let's get the Rock outa here!" = worst lyric ever written! Hahaha, but ya gotta love it anyway! Andy xx
  15. Paul Mounsey* , Peatbog Faeries, Wolfstone Andy *make this one priority, but do give the others a spin as well, as they rock also!
  16. Dude that's what I just said. Read my post again. Andy
  17. Jimmi Hendrix / Led Zepplin / Metallica / Nirvana - all of these get a special mention from me, but the winner is *drum roll* ................................... The Foo Fighters = most mediocre pish ever, but they are hailed as legends and the saviors of modern rock. eh? I mean they have a couple of good songs, but the rest is just so damn mediocre it hurts! Andy xx
  18. Hey, I was fuckin' blind drunk in Opium, Edinburgh the other night (birthday night out with the band). I seem to remember running into one of you? If memory serves correct Johnny? Either of you want to clarify? Andy
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