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Posts posted by the_beastly_one

  1. Jesus, that one's a shock, I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm in the same boat, he came not long after I started going and I had a shirt with his name on the back. It's so unfortunate when these things happen, but there's not much any of us can do about it I don't think. Rest in peace man

  2. Best thing is probably that I make an effort not to be judgemental about things right away, and generally try to live and let live. I also have great musical taste :up: .

    Worst thing is probably that I'm so damn shy sometimes. I fluctuate between being over-confident, talkitive etc. and being the most unsociable retard I know who'll sit in a corner and barely mumble a few words, depending on the scenario. Oh, I'm also a moody bastard and I hate my voice.

  3. Yup, it's me.........again,

    Didn't get much response to my last band ad, so here goes:

    I'm 16, male and I live in Aberdeen, been playing guitar for just over a year now and I'm mega-keen to get a band started up, only for a few practices to begin with, then possibly a view to something more serious later on. I don't mind if you're more/less experienced than I am, and I'm not fussy about the type of music you listen to, as long as you're open to new ideas, don't care about age/gender either. If you have a willingness to improve on your instrument and are passionate about the type of music you play, then get PMing! Even just to play through a few covers or something would be worthwhile, even just for the experience of jamming with other musicians etc.

    My influences include:

    Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Megadeth, Manics, Iron Maiden, Cacophony, Guns 'n' Roses, Joe Satriani, Metallica, Testament, Diamond Head, Overkill, Destruction, Sodom, Racer X, Black Sabbath etc.

  4. Well' date=' since i'm not a total Nazi I will actually visit that site and read up on it.... So at least I can further backup my "BS" claims.

    If not, boy will my face be red!

    PS: you're second link is broken - it took me to the Microsoft site originially and i thought you were taking the piss lol !! (the http: stuff is all messed up..)

    It should be this: [url']http://www.badastronomy.com/bad/tv/foxapollo.html

    So it is, sorry about that then. I'll edit my one aswell. Just managed to get a hold of a 30 second video of Apollo 11, but it appears I won't find anything better by Wednesday. Ah well- been told these things are ridiculously easy to pass anyway. Most of the stuff I have so far is really solely to quench my own curiosity on it. But we're going to try and take out as much of the scientific element as possible- not many numbers etc. Seems to be coming along quite nicely though. I wanted to do some stuff on Bob Lazar and Area 51 too, but that'll need to wait till after the talk.

  5. Well we've divided up into doing different sides of the argument, so far I've compiled 5 sides of A4 in evidence for conspiracy theories. I'd recommend having a look at this site for some info on the conspiracy angle and this site for the sceptics. Both have some great stuff, but so far, I've been much more inclined towards the conspiracy theory, or at least that if we did land on the Moon, that the footage we got to see weren't the same ones.

  6. This is probably about one of the most cliched threads in the history of the internet, but I'm looking for some feedback for our Int 2 Working With Others talk, which is next Wednesday. We've hardly done any preparation and now I'm sort of panicking, so any views, ideas or references to useful sites etc would be appreciated.


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