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Posts posted by the_beastly_one

  1. If they like reading there's a new book out about Peter Williamson' date=' the Aberdonian who was a child slave, taken to the USAin the 18th century. It's called "Indian Peter".[/quote']

    Instincts would say it would end up being used as a drinks coaster, but I'd like a read of that myself maybe, so thanks for that idea too.

  2. I wouldn't recommend doing any very well known songs, for example, if you were to cover Slayer, I'd probably prefer to see something other then Angel Of Death, Raining Blood or South of Heaven. Or maybe that's just me, but it puts me off sometimes when I see bands doing it. Plus if you were to go for something a little more obscure, you could mess up, knowing that most of the crowd won't know it anyway. :up:

  3. That's the one' date=' the bridge used to be two concrete pipes side by side until one stormy day a poor 2nd year got washed in and dragged through said pipes, funnily enough the bridge appeared not too long after said incident.[/quote']

    Walking on the pond when it iced over also ruled, albeit extremely dangerous with probably more than 50 kids running around on it every lunch time. So were you blessed enough to have the legendary Middleton at Hazlehead?

  4. So what do we all think of Dave Mustaine's newly found repent? Like, can he really mean it this time? Or just a stunt to raise his own profile? Personally, I can't see it lasting too long, but I suppose it's possible. It's just unfortunate that it always takes tragedy to make people take a look at themselves like that.

  5. i remember it getting closed a few times when i was there for frozen pipes' date=' and the snow. Always great not having to get out of bed and walk up that bloody hill that was always like a sheet of ice.[/quote']

    Haha, beside the burn that goes off towards Sheddocksley? I remember falling on my face there in first year, good times.

    it got flooded apparently!!! nightmare!

    and its true' date=' hazlehead never ever gets closed. the only time i recall it being closed in the whole six years i attended was when it was so snowy that all the country bumkins couldnt get in to school and a bunch of other people just didnt bother, there were only about a hundred people in attendance so they just decided there was no point and sent us home. it was ace. i went sledging!! weeeeeeeee

    Today 09:43 [/quote']

    Haha, that happened 3 or 4 years ago aswell. It was soooo deep that year. These kids of today don't know real snow, eh?

  6. I bought Enemies of Reality last week, and I'm really into it just now- I like their widdlyness, but I see the point on the vocals. I think it's really something you have to be in the right mood to appreciate properly- like I really couldn't be fucked with it when I was tired, so it was time for some Pink Floyd instead. :up:

  7. That's truly fucking devastating.

    I can't say he was the reason I picked up a guitar, but he certainly had a big impact on me more recently- a totally inspirational musician.

    No one deserves any of this stuff and my condolences go to all involved with both the band members (Pat or Vinnie- still seems unclear) and the two fans.

    The stuff Phil said in Metalhammer was unfortunate and we've probably all made similar comments before- he just timed it badly, so I don't think he should be taking half the shit I've been seeing spread around the Internet about him today.

  8. I am sure in the moment in which you posted that it probably seemed like a good idea. Tell you what' date=' why not go and try telling that to the daughter, the TWO YEAR OLD DAUGHTER, who lost her daddy? Eh? Well?

    No, thought not, gutless fucks like you would rather hide behind a computer screen and pretend to be kontrovershul lololol.

    You're just a sad pathetic loser and I for one wish you every misfortune you deserve.[/quote']

    Man, I can see where you're coming from here, and it's out of order, but it seems the intention was to get reactions like that, so none of us are doing him any favours by responding to it. We should maybe try to give it as little recognition as possible. On the subject of the thread, it was nice, if that's an appropriate word (which I know isn't, any suggestions for an alternative?) to see some of the tributes left for him at Pittodrie today, he was obviously a popular guy.

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