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Posts posted by NARC

  1. What about Amsterdam? switzerland? where it is very accepted and lets not forget the very open and liberal vancouver. :)

    Its just a case of finding the right restrictions on it. Kids could drink instead of going to school couldnt they? but most dont. Its simply having some trust and "faith" in people. I really dont see how it could FURTHER our problems. Stoners arent idiots' date=' idiots are idiots and they smoke marijuana. Keeping things illegal and restricted is not benefitting anyone. Its hypocritical to say that taking choice away from people is reducing social ills.[/quote']

    The Swiss and Dutch have a fundamentally different mentality to us, you should understand that. There is not the excess culture that we have here that would go into overdrive if cannavis was legalised.

  2. It's time to be obsessed with one song again!

    I can't go to bed until I've heard 'Evil' by Interpol. I can't find the CD so I have to wait until I've got it on here to listen to it before bed. It's really annoying me that I can't find the CD.

    Sweet slumber will follow hopefully...

    I know how you feel. It seems for the last few days i am running on "turn on the bright lights" and "antics". I cant believe i pushed them to the back of my mind for such a long time

  3. Exactly how could Britain get much worse? do you think we are new and developing?. After a good hefty mortgage of the world and people being born then moving away' date=' what exactly makes anything about our societly *that* good? It seems you should stop with your trisha worth sociology.[/quote']

    It would be much worse. You havent thought through the practacalities. What age group would you legalise it for? would there be cafes where people could go and have a whale of a time? Would there be licensing laws like alcohol? Its not practical and its not gonna happen. I dont want a country where 24/7 id be forced to encounter stoner idiots everywhere i go. Children would go take pot instead of going to school etc. A trivial point perhaps but a real one - and before you say "oh there are underage drinkers too". Im talking about not FURTHERING social problems.

  4. demon cleaner' date=' are you named after the famed and awesome kyuss song?

    and in general i don't think that study quoted at the start of the thread can really be deemed comprehensive. for a start shouldn't they have studied the same amount of non-smokers as smokers? and even then a study of 54 smokers isn't particularly broad. also it doesn't say how it affected those who smoked only a small amount compared to the people who smoked a large amount. surely there would be a difference if there was a definite effect.

    i am not saying that marijuana is safe. i'm just trying to point out that maybe we shouldn't get too worked up about this particular report. anyone with a brain knows that smoking shit loads of weed isn't going to do your mental well being a whole lot of good(everyone i know becomes more forgetful and a little more worried when smoking pot regularly) but the long term effects have yet to be comprehensively proven. it is no worse than alchohol because alchohol is an incredibly damaging substance and by all means we should have the right to ingest a plant that grows naturally. but let's not pretend it's harmless eh? it just makes people look like dicks.

    i think we should be wary about using bands as examples, cedric and omar also took crack on a regular basis but that doesn't mean it's safe and we should all go do it. bottom line is that if you want to take pot, take pot and it should be left to people to choose that not the government and if you don't then don't but you shouldn't hassle those that do cause it's their choice.[/quote']

    Yes Dave, i am named after the Kyuss song. I remember buying "welcome to sky valley" from one up bearing the sticker "stoner pioneers". Irony eh? haha

    You're absolutely right to say it isnt a comprehensive study, more research needs to be done, but i base my point on the fact that the benefits of it havent been proved. If it is clinically proven to help relieve pain without the addiction or high element, then great. But until then i am sceptical.

    Maybe i am being silly but i appear to have more concern for the human race than others here. I am sensible and i enjoy a drink but i dont get violent or twattish when i drink. The facts are if alcohol is condsidered bad and dangerous then cannabis should be in the same bracket. Alcohol is legal, thats a fact. But i dont think legalising cannabis would improve the situation of health etc.

    Xrobb may i remind you you have the right to ingest deadly nightshade too. Thats a natural plant. Go on, try it!

  5. in my humble opinion you appear to be the most paranoid and ill educated person that has posted on this thread. and you are not a stoner.

    ask any ms/aids sufferer who has used cannabis (not necessarily smoked) and i think you will find that the properties of cannabis alleviates their pain - fact.

    i agree smoking cannabis can increase mental health problems in people but' date=' and this is the important bit, THESE PEOPLE MAY SUFFER THE SAME WITHOUT SMOKING CANNABIS. i have many friends who smoke, some are quite mad, others are not. i have many friends who dont smoke, some of them are also quite mad and others are not. (by mad i infer mental health issues). some friends have had to stop smoking because cannabis seriously fucked their head up. it affects all differently, just like alcohol does.

    unless you, as a non-smoker, have seriously done some research into this plant i suggest you stop posting ill informed comments and general flaming opinions about cannabis. i am quite happy to debate the good and bad points of hash use but not when such intelligent statements as "all stoners are idiots" are thrown about without much thought.

    also, as a side note, most of the stoners i know have actually done some proper reading into the side effects and physical effects of cannabis, the history of the plant and its uses (queen victoria used it to alleviate her severe period pains). in general, it is rare to have an intelligent and informed conversation with non-stoners about cannabis because non-smokers generally dont read into it very much(i appreciate some of you out there do make the effort, but it is rare).

    read "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer(spelling?). an informate book backed with copies of officially released governmental documents confirming the information.

    ps. no-one has ever died from a hash overdose. alcohol - legal - kills thousands EVERY year.[/quote']

    Oh i see. I again redirect you to what i said. I at no point denied the potential medicinal uses of cannabis - if it does relieve pain then great. However, even though im not a particular expert on the subject, im afraid without a full modern medical inquiry into the benfefits of cannabis using specialised and unbiased researchers that absolutely confirms what youve said then im not going to base my opinion on a few books. Such an enquiry could cost the taxpayer a fortune that could be used for developing other drugs that DO NOT have the side effects of cannabis. And this would remove the possibilty that stoners like you could capitalise on the legal loophole.

    Basically, if you want canabis legalised for purely medicinal purposes (if approved) then fine. But if you want it legalised generally then you are a prick. I personally dont think its compatible, im not sure if you can legalise it simply for medicinal use.

  6. I can't help but notice that in your public profile' date=' the first two bands mentioned are The Doors and The Mars Volta. I hope you're aware that the figureheads within these bands are all on record as saying they've used mind-altering substances to open doors within their mind, therefore helping their creativity?[/quote']

    I concede that. Although id say the doors were an exceptional case. But i dont agree with it, they were talented enough to create without drugs.

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