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Larsen B

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Everything posted by Larsen B

  1. You're barbaric. I'd like to believe in love at first sight but in know better than that.
  2. The one with the bad hair is also wearing a Reebok top they ceased to manufacture in 1992.
  3. But I wanted a change from a thread where people big up the lyricist of their favourite band.
  4. Fairytale of New York She Came Home For Christmas - Mew
  5. I am going but you very well know that Mr Cleaner.
  6. I should have specified no song lyrics.
  7. I can't wait. Should be less polished production wise without Rubin and it the first time they've recorded with their permanent line-up. I'm going to the barras show. Anyone else?
  8. Oasis!!!!!!! SHIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Is this a challenge? "In the season of good will lets hope Michael Stipe goes the same way as freddy mecury"
  10. "We invite everyone to question the entire culture we take for granted"
  11. Yeah, I think that's how you spell Ferlenghetti. I've been meaning to read something by him as he was a key part of the Beat Generation both as a writer and publisher.
  12. This is my attempt to create a thread more stimulating than those with links to really shit things you can buy on e-bay or those about ninjas or pirates. So, who's everyones favourite poets? I don't really read a lot of poetry but mine would have to Allen Ginsberg. His poem books Howl and Fall of America are excellent. Some of his poems tend to be a little too homo-erotic for my liking but he shares the knack with Kerouac for catching that poignant moment when you realise something has passed but you feel like you're the only one who has noticed or cares. I've also read Saul Williams' She which was good if a little too self-indulgent. I've been meaning to read something by Phillip Larkin or Slyvia Plath but haven't as of yet. Perhaps Demon Cleaner will help me out in that respect.
  13. When the ban becomes law it will mean i don't need to be aggresive to people who smoke in my vincinity in order to drive them out of a 5 metre radius of me, like i did in Exodus last night.
  14. Dulls songs as well though. I'm getting into Vaya again after hearing the b-side Extra-curricular. Not that it got anything to with Vaya. This my ranking of albums/ep: ROC I/C/O Vaya Acrobatic Tenement El Gran Orgo
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