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Everything posted by bryn

  1. People always say there is no point in getting fast because it kills your guitar playing and that there is no point in being able to play fast. I think speed should just be used to enhance a solo, not be the basis of it, but getting fast is about improving your technique and becoming a better musician, not just about the literal sense, if you get my drift....
  2. "Or - Be a hero and block the beast up with a block of wood - no more problems with any type of string....." err, Im not like that Offspring guy whos custom RG dusnt have a trem. what a lamo
  3. There is a guy (who claims to be the fastest in the world) called Marcus Paus. He plays at I think 30 NPS, check out his band Mr Cucumer, its pretty insane.
  4. agreed. also, For the Love of God, in my opinion, the greatest guitar song ever. It just shows the extent of virtuoso playing and the capabilities of guitar, plus its amazing the way it perfectly builds and builds tension before peaking etc etc.
  5. fair enough, I like speed when it is used appropriatley, like, some Satriani and Vai is way over the top monotonous soloing - kills any aspect of being impressive. Vai is better because his music is good background music. Satriani just plays hard rock riffs and solos.
  6. I worked it out I can do just over 8 notes pers second on a 2 octave major scale. I know its not fast, just wonderin what anyone else can do...
  7. I've done C sharp once or twice, just cos dime did lol. Gave up playing in dropped D cos its shitty and boring and only Soundgarden have good droped D songs!
  8. the bid is 98 for a five stringer thats good
  9. Hey, will you be wanting bands to play at a 'grand opening' I pictured you might be having?
  10. I just changed the gauge on my Ibanez, but the trem has risen upwards from the back, so its pointing downwards - which is gay!! How do you change the angle of the this damn, cursed piece of equipment?
  11. "i find the guys in R&B are kool enough 2 me" even the ginger?
  12. www.powertabs.net (.com?) sounds like that, never used it meself due to my lame ass computer but ive heard you can download full 'power tabs' of songs which is as above
  13. This is gay I couldve been playin at this gig. fuckin maths prelim
  14. How many gigs have you guys played since you started? biggest audience?
  15. i have an rg550, any1 played one? wat u think of the pickups, I think they're ok but then agen my pickup knowledge aint the best. I've heard alot of ppl consider them (V6, S1,V7 somethin like that) to be tolerable at best. Dan whats your BC rich's tremolo like? I played one like that in Bruce Millers and the trem was really stiff :/
  16. My personal favourite is 'New old songs' by Limp Bizkit or 're-animation' by Linkin park
  17. Venom - a thousand days in sodom, what a song! especially the bit before they start chanting 'thousand days in sodom'
  18. Look, Ibanez are great guitars. This all started when I said "Especially as many people consider Ibanez to be badly made...." because trust they do. I've played guitar for bout 4 years and spoken to lots of people and read many magazines etc.. and it is a general opinion by alot of people. Just because Satriani and Vai play them it don't mean shit. Signature equipment is a farce - an excuse for companies to heave up the price. Look! gullible is written on that wall over there!
  19. thats not the point. All Im saying is you can't trust anythin they say when theyre being paid for it. Ibanez arent shite guitars, I know that through playing them, not through Vai or Satch telling me.
  20. all im saying is you cant trust their judgement as they getting paid dumass
  21. ah songs bout weed sounds good heh. We are pretty much funk metal, kinda old incubus, (thats prob the closest comparison)but were not huge incubus fans..... isjnt that vierd
  22. Well... we are fucking brilliant!! I didn't go to Inverurie, I went to Kemnay, and traditionally inverurie ppl hate kemany ppl so lets just say i come from the, countryside! The other two i think market place and strathburn. Ah fuck! i just realised something, its on the 5th and myself and the bassist have maths prelims on the 6th at 8.30 in the morning. sry bout that :/ any chance of future gigs? we do all gigs! (cept thurs 5th
  23. "sounds like a winner. but where are you from" If that was posted to me then, we are local. Inverurie to be exact (ish) So, we on?
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