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Everything posted by ben_1903

  1. Gordon Bennet - I opened a massove can of worms here. I started this thread having been recently disgusted by a woman who basically wore a giant tent on the megabus. If someone has an illness - fair enough. If someone is still fit but has a belly - fair enough. I have nothing against overweight people All im saying is big fuck off fatties who are actually HUGE. are disgusting, and ought to be sent to the moon. Fair enough yeah?
  2. so he takes the bible on tour with him....and; it doesn't mean he's a total nutter. If he'd said 'the koran' would you have called him a crazy islamist nutter? No.
  3. I have never met you; but if I ever do, I'd like to buy you a pint. Something that really bothers me is fatties on planes and buses. 1. why can fatty +luggage be allowed on, but I have to pay extra for my heavy luggage even if it weighs less than the fatty and their non heavy luggage? 2. Fatties should have to buy extra seats so I don't end up sat on half a seat with their sweaty fat rolls falling all over me.
  4. I don't mean slightly over weight people but you know those ones who have arms that are like legs, and actually have a front arse hanging between their legs. They walk like john Wayne... fucking hate them. Fatties should be put down. /rant.
  5. sorry u meant to write am rather than man, in my initial post.
  6. I don't really have that problem with aberdonians BUT WITH WOMEN. why is it that so many women either tut or glare at you when you hold the door open for them in a: kind of way? CUNTS. /rant.
  7. in fucking deed man!! We are also taking some time off to write new stuff...end of summer/beginning autumn we hope to be back.
  8. from what i've seen, the bands that win are ned indie bands who take all their school mates with them and they vote about times each. lame.
  9. Fair play. I wasn't meaning to be overally critical dude; just that perhaps calling it live by the beach gives it a 'festival' type feel and its really just an indie gig. Anyway good luck with it, there is a demand for such music so you should get a big crowd.
  10. thanks everyone for coming down!! it was muchos fun. inches were epic. iname were okay...the other lads carried me and I had a bit of an off night to be honest. I've never played well in that tunnel....
  11. is this the aberdeen 'super-gig' that was discussed a while ago? I assume it isn't an ordinary gig as its called 'live by the beach'. If so, its a really dissapointing line-up with very little to represent the diversity of aberdeens music scene.
  12. that rape joke is really really old. jimmy carr is not funny, and to be honest isn't a proper comedian. He just tells jokes (which generally aren't even his). oh, he's also a pompous twat.
  13. gutted i didn't go. I imagine katerwaul were brilliant, judging by the album launch performance the other day
  14. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=35982011&albumId=69839 nuff said.
  15. bienos ding dong didily dias
  16. hells yeah. so people, please come along, and remember its in tunnel 2, not 1.
  17. dunno, i hope its a good mix. A very underrated album, and in my opinion their 2nd best is warnings promises, which is a good mixture...so im hoping for a blend.
  18. I thought dream theatre were technically outstanding, but could have had a bit more energy/passion about them. I should also mention at this point that the dominos pizza stand was much appreciated. However, did anyone else feel that 5 taps between 80,000 people for water the arena was taking the piss? And positioning the drinking water right between the urinals and shitters in blue camp was pretty retarded aswell.
  19. i like it, and it was really good live at download
  20. dunno, but it was wank.
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