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Everything posted by funky_peanut

  1. Lol it's almost like a prerequisite is that everything MUST have a solo..that bass thing threw me and it was just too OTT on the technical playing for me, personally.
  2. Ah, I can totally understand that, dude!! Tell you what, I'm in no rush to sell this thing, soI'll set it aside.
  3. I've always found the Hz's to be a bit lacking in the power department. Did you replace the Hz's in your Epi with an 85 and an 81 or a 81 combo?
  4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/jameswatt/ here you go, dude
  5. are you interested? it's been years since I've been on here and it's all changed so I dunno how to upload lol.
  6. Hey, Due to lack of use, i'm selling my Jackson DXMG Dinky. It comes with EMG HZ''s as stock and a licensed Floyd Rose tremolo bridge. The body is in great shape, albeit a couple of dings on the base. There's hardly a trace of fret wear because of the lack of use since purchase. If you're interested, hit me with an offer! Cheers!
  7. Awesome.. i dont know where I want to go.. I've narrowed it down to three places.. Fairbanks Alaska, Montreal Quebec or the other side Tokyo Japan..... darn it lol always fancied Montreal tbh
  8. Funny thing is if you look at the picture of Nick Griffin he looks like a monster....oh wait because he is!! It's a fucking pitty actually the BNP are getting a bit of a foothold down south. I really Don't understand their logic.. During the late 40's and 1950's there was a massive influx of Immigrants from the Caribbean and Asia...without these immigrants the country would have collapsed what with the NHS just coming into form and the amount of Disabled war veterans and the number of war dead to be considered. End of the day when you've owned about 2/3 of the Earth through aggressive colonisation and those colonies have sacrificed many of their young men to two world wars and other conflicts....I think the BNP have forgotten that nothing should stop them from trying to build a better life for themselves. I think they've earned it....and i'm not saying that because my roots can be traced back to India lol. End of the day they are just glorified cross burners in suits...made overseas i bet....ah the irony. Just having a read of their Social & Cultural Policy... reintroduction of compulsory Military Service...Increased Military Expnediture..( We have the 2nd highest military expnediture out of all European countries already!!) and that men should rifles and ammunition in their homes?????? Just says it all doesn't it?
  9. Ha Fucking Ha.. Too far. I think she's implying that she's been a police officer for 15 years also. So no. I don't believe it make me think what she saw 16 years ago.
  10. Izzard is great in Valkyrie and the movie isn't too bad either i've seen worse lol..I don't know what it is about Cruise...I really hate his face..More of a Charlie Sheen fan....not.
  11. Didn't hppen to work in Crown House did you?
  12. looks like SIMs - Maddie edition== the old S.S man one is a hoot!
  13. Wrestling moves arn't funny.. I got tombstoned years ago.....my neck still makes a crunching sound..damn WWF....back in the day......I actually found Royal Rumble III on tape that I taped as a young kid back in the early early days of Sky cable hehe. would have been 1991....I always remember that horrible fucking seatbelt advert...*Shudders*
  14. I have to crack my neck each time I sit down to something that will take me a fucking age... Or i'll write it all out even if I don't have to.
  15. Fucking no good caterpiller....you just have to look at him and you can tell he's caught up with some hate gang and doing the dope... needs to see an educational film like "Reefer Madness" to scare him straight. God, the 50's looked like a barrel of laughs...
  16. Truer words were never spoken. Without a good book/mag to distract you you kinda feel like johnny on the spot and self concious lol.
  17. Keep the Argies off our Falklands will you? Thanks! Nah but seriously my cousin is down there with the RAF....must have pissed someone off. Here's hoping it's not round II though for both Argie Lads and Brit lads sakes..
  18. I agree it was damn good movie! Izzard makes a damn good Nazi! I think what the great part is that it shows that it wasn't a war against Germany as such but more a war against a regime i.e Nazi's. I like the scene were Hitler and Goebbells and that fat fucking om nom nom of a hambeast Goering are just chilling and laughing when Stauffenberg (cruise) goes into have the "H -man.".as he was known Valkyrie act signed. Well tense. Could have been worse...could have been CommieNazies
  19. I'm almost postive that in June 1940 the Norwegian King and Governent were evactuated to the UK via Aberdeen... wheey hey!
  20. Ah a nother primark slave.. I don't know if you were there when I was trapped in that shit hole about 4 years ago me thinks.. Fired 3 times...hired back each time...due to the shocking staff turnover. The place was honestly a joke. Again though, I made alot of friends there and knew a bunch of right douches. The changing rooms were the worst..the queues....my god the queues....*boom* thousand yard stare. I'm pretty sure I gots the black lung from inhaling the plastic fumes coming off those lousy bags on hot days...(back before they changed to paper)
  21. May I sugges tthe book. 'First and Last Men' by Olaf Stapleton. This book was written in 1930 and charts mankinds evolution over hundreds of millions of years from earth to other planets in the solar system. At first I thought it was crap for the first 2 chapters ..bearing in mind that it was written before world war 2 and has been wide off the mark up until this point for the majority of things but there are a couple of things that are bang on. But the best bit is just appreciating this guys imagination..especially for someone coming from such a mentally and socially regimented era as the 30's. the best part is the sheer details in which he describes mans evolution in the mental and physical sense...really something great. Sneak spoiler....at one point there are giant heirarchial brains involved Caution though! Unless you're dedicated reader there's a lot of boring stuff to go through or you can take the advice of the Foreward that advises you skip the first 4 chapters....wish I had done that.
  22. What a fucking arsehole...Because he could not claim it immediately he ate the ticket. It really boggles the mind why on earth someone would do this....a psych eval should have been done on this douche before letting him into the country. Probably claim it back in Council Tax and Housing Benefit....I jest of course.. God help us what else will he eat if he becomes enraged...om nom nom nom...
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