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Posts posted by jcn

  1. It was certainly one of my most unusual occupations, lol. I'm only trying to contribute with some of my personal insights which are relevant to the topic, isn't that what you are meant to do?

    Has anyone else been starkers in front of random people? I'd like to see stories!!

  2. Well like it or not naked bodies make people think about sex. Thinking about sex makes people get hard-ons. Society has tended towards stopping people having hard-ons but, fo'cryin out loud, we'll continue to have hard-ons, whether you like it or not and in your presence if we see fit.

    Lol, fair enough.

  3. My post was about the perils of life modelling. I didn't want that kind of attention as I was doing a job and it detracted from what people were there to do, learn how to draw.

    I was going out with one of the other life models at the time for god sake. This relates back to the whole burlesque thing cos even though I have done something similar, I don't think that I could ever be a stripper.

  4. Believe what you like mate, do you think I care? My friends know that I'm not in the habit of lying or exaggerating anything, so go cram it up your ass.

    Why don't you put a picture of yourself up while you're at it, you coward.

    I have no insecurities about myself; alarm bells should be ringing inside your head since you put so much effort into trolling. Well done, that makes you really big and impressive, you computer bully. Do you have the guts to say the same things to my face? I don't think so. I think the only person here that should be worried about how they look to other people is you, since you are trying so hard to detract attention from your own shortcomings.

    Wind your neck in and take a good look at yourself.

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  5. I basically sold my body to some extent, folk saw me naked to draw me. I didn't find it at all sordid cos I felt that i was doing the art students a favour in a way, they just wanted to learn. Having said that, my art school mates have told me that some guys have had hard-ons when I was posing. No offence to guys, but ew. You also had a lot of control in the class, if you thought someone was not behaving properly you could chuck them out.

    I don't think I could do the stripper thing. One of my former mates was a stripper and I think she did it because she was really insecure and craved male attention. She is now shagging about 5 different blokes a week; the GUM clinic has asked her to be tested once a week!!

  6. So, basically it's for ugly burds whose tits are too saggy for stripping.

    The "art of not shagging" - have you any idea how ridiculous that sounds?

    I know, that sounds totally stupid doesn't it? I don't know how to describe it. People get turned on (obviously) by what they see at a burlesque show but it's also a confidence thing, I think.

    The closest thing that I have done to burlesque is being a life model at an art school, but that was basically posing completely naked for up to 45 minutes, no feather boas or anything for me :down:

  7. yeah I don't know if it would have been his cup of tea. I think since it is a classical piece that he would find it 'snobby' or something. Paul has done really well, he has kept the same understated feel to it, but it still has that sense of comedy.

    I will see if my myspace will let me put up the midi file.

  8. This is one that I think Alan Cynic will be interested in.

    T'was you, dear Alan, that played 'Beautiful Cosmos' by Ivor Cutler when I heard it for the first time. It was a gig that you played supporting Thomas Truax at Cafe Musa. I thought that the words were ace: 'this is our universe, cups of tea'. My fiance and I were up at the balcony and we thought 'that's us!!'

    I thought that since you seem to be an Ivor Cutler fan you would be interesting in knowing that I have commissioned my mate Paul to compose a classical piece using the words from 'Beautiful Cosmos'. It will have it's debut at our wedding in a few weeks time.

    If anyone is interested in hearing it, I can forward a midi file or a sibelius file to them.



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