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Posts posted by Birdman

  1. Stinky Gypsies

    Well all know the real problem in society today. People ramble on and on about societies ills and inaffordable schemes of whatever nature...the problems seem to lie everywhere.

    But one group seems to get little in the way of media coverage when it comes to naming and shaming.

    Thats correct! Its Smelly Hobo's!!

    These dingy specimens are renound for avoiding any form of rightful payment toward amenities they readily use. Yet, despite being at the forefront of societies ills, seem to have stealthily avoided being branded as the tinkers and troublemakers they are.


    A gypsy yesterday - finding her home amongst the mess she's made.

    Even in places around the north east coast of Scotland, these smelly people who sometime go more than 3 nights without showering under a gutter, have flocked to places like Balmedie, Ellon and even Collieston!

    Every gypsy is known to have impeccible eyesight, occasionally going days on end in their dilapidated mobile homes so they can successfully co-ordinate night time raids and steal your water, your mail and even your dog.


    The reason behind this gypsy insinuated fire is still unknown.

    Apprehended shortly afterwards with gas can still in hand, the officer, naturally, couldn't understand a word he'd said.

    What must be done here?

    (Not Birdman)

  2. It was originally 44' date=' but because of someone being unsure its 46. If they change their mind, you guys can get yours on the bus or whatever.

    The only problem with Friday is that we are on exam leave and I have a music exam and the others have an oral exam, so we can't come in Aberdeen.

    Hmmmm what shall we do?!

    How bout everyone who can give it to us on Monday just meet us at one-up, and please try! The people who come on Monday, can give it to us the week after, as I'm sure we will be in again. Hmmmm....is that ok people?[/quote']

    You guys are still talking about the Bus Trip right?!

    (Not Birdman)

  3. Back by popular demmand :band:

    "I WON'T LIE"

    Why all the stories ' date=' Why all the lies

    I can see them coming through your eyes

    Its no surprise its just no supriiiiiiiiise

    All those stories all those lies

    All those stories all those lies

    All those stories all those lies

    I can see them coming through your eyes

    Why all the stories, why all the lies

    Is this just you, Is this what you do

    Tell your stories tell your lies

    I can see them coming through your eyes

    I can see them coming through your eyes

    All your storys all your lies

    Its no surprise Its no surprise

    It doesnt have to be this way

    It doesnt have to stay this way

    Ill tell you why and I wont lie

    Ill tell you why and I wont lie

    Im not here to tell you all the meaning of your life

    But just dont lie its jusy not you

    If u lie then its true

    Your not the one for me

    So let it be

    And let it go

    Im gone all ready

    Im afraid so.[/quote']

    Do yourself a favour....Never Ever go into writing unless you're going to adopt a more literate stance. You use "u" as a word and have about 12 i's in Surprise. You spell amateur horrible wrong and give people the impression (well me anyway), that you're talking about "A Mature".

    If you want to be taken seriously I suggest you try harder. You need to do this for weeks and weeks and weeks and months and months and years and years and then, then you'll be ready.

    (Not Birdman)

  4. Are you serious...Its awful!

    I bought it in one-up under the false assumption that it'd be good since the director is so acclaimed.

    I think you must be being sarcastic though because it is quite possibly the shittest movie made to date......to date ever.....since time began.

    (Not birdman)

  5. hah losing a scene point for typing u instead of you. Now thats petty

    From now on' date=' every typo, wrong used of a word or letter, booh fucking hoo I'm cooler than you gets a negative scene point.

    But remember, it's only a bit of fun :D


    You sound like this man...


    (Not Birdman)

  6. I have just heard the crazy frog song. oh my. it is pretty damn bad lol! worst is' date=' it will probarly be a hit with the teeny-boppers!

    anyone else heard it?[/quote']

    You have to be kidding me...Its been on the go for about 6 months and has already corrupted the potential intelligence base of children country-wide. Whoever made this should be made to swallow all the glass from my house and make another ring tone from the amusing gurgles afterwards.

    Its on Hoodies, t-shirts, cups, posters, ringtones(naturally) and god knows what else?!

    Every kid worth his weigh in sheep shit has this god forsaken ring tone and quite frankly, I think it should be executed off of the television.

    I barely watch TV and I'd rather shag a biscuit and have to stay with it for several years in a relationship than see this abomination on TV for another month.

    (not Birdman) <-- hating MTV because of this single advert

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