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Posts posted by medichi

  1. So my first Liverpool gig experience last night - Nora were AWESOME! Pantera meets VoD, with Carl (Karl?) looking exactly like Phil Anselmo used to. "This next one is fast and heavy. You may have noticed, it's kinda our thing..." Loved it.

    Hopesfall were like they are on record - good for a while, but then become a bit tedious and boring. Good set tho', and the new stuff sounds like a step towards GlassJaw territory.

    Scarlet have been "robbed" apparently, and didn't make the entire UK tour. Boo. Turnout was lower than I'd expected, thinking Liverpool was this massive city, but there were probably the same number of folks there as were at Norma Jean in Kef.....

  2. Yeah, in the extras you hear someone say how ace ETID and Hope Con were, but no footage - guess its cos they were on the last one.

    This year Fear Factory played too methinks. And there was some controversy about a band who caused a riot? Probably all bullshit.....

  3. So the latest installment of the metal/hardcore fest DVD series is out - quick review:

    Ace bands I knew already: Norma Jean, The Bled, OneLineDrawing

    Ace bands I didn't Know: The AKAs, No Warning

    Bands I don't like, but are AWESOME on this DVD: D.E.P (Dear god, the live stuff is BRUTAL!)

    Rubbish bands: From Autumn To Ashes, My Chemical Romance

    Frikkin' LOADS of pop punk on this tho', and what the FUCK are CKY doing there?

    Seems the festival is branching out a fair bit, which seems a shame as the previous DVD was a cool snapshot of a scene. This one seems a bit more like a regular "festival".....

  4. I wonder how much crowds these aberdeen bands would actually get if they toured to places where their local support werent their........

    What the crap does that mean? Do you mean "there" at the end? And "wasn't" in the middle? If so, then I suspect they'd play to the same small crowds that touring bands get here. Like several band members have already said occurs. Whoop-di-do....

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