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Posts posted by medichi

  1. Still haven't decided if I can afford the extortionate ticket price to see 'em here in Liverpool. Hmmm....

    Anyhoo, got me pooter hooked back up, downloaded Mastodon, bought Old Man Gloom, but some CUNT bought the last copy of the Jesu CD in Liverpool before I could get to it. DAMN THEM TO HELL! Doesn't crop up on SLSK either. Anyone know where I can D/L it from?

  2. Both have their merits, but I listen to Lost Prophets much more. BUt still, FF are a classic rock band, in all senses of the term....hmmmm.......

    I go with Foo Fighters, but fully realise they are the band with the long term success guaranteed....

  3. Saw these three playing the Barfly in Liverpool the other night.

    Reuben: Bit pish and boring really. Kinda like Hundred Reasons if you took out all the good bits....

    Alexisonfire: Oh dear god, they were AWFUL. Why does anyone buy that shite when there are so many better examples of the genre. The bassist is a cunt too. Needs a good slap. Hippy twat...

    The Bled: AWESOME! New bassist, and a set curbed by Allister headling, but blew everyone else away. This band will be HUGE, I tells ya...

    Left before Allistair cos they're not good.

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