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Posts posted by medichi

  1. Oi! Banned! No opinion allowed! Get back to where you came from......

    New TBS is a pretty good rock record, but lacks the sparkle of the debut - but hey, at least it's not the turgid piece of CRAP that the new Used album has turned out to be! Dear GOD it's bad.....

  2. I was a huge fan of Jesus Christ Bobby, and loved them live at Lava - noisy hardcore genius - and yes, they've changed their sound a fair bit, but they've ALWAYS had rock n roll running though it all. I think Halldor Laxness is an ace album - interesting pop smeared rock n roll, and really don't see them as musically cliched at all. Still ace live. Personally, if I'm in a band and want to play something ifferent, I'll do it, and it'd be selling out to do exactly what the fans want if it ain't true to me. I'd imagine they've had several e-mails from angst-laded hardcore fiends, telling them off for going soft....

    They are shits for cancelling 2 Aberdeen dates.....

  3. Skint at the mo', but SLSK means I don't have to be without shiny new tunes through the dry spell. Queued at the mo' are:

    Neurosis and Jarboe - Sounds awesome, but terrifying!

    No Warning - HARD!CORE!

    Zeke - Like Motorhead, but on crack. Truly, one of the best bands in the world!

    Tom Waits - Was curious, cos so many seem to rate him - not what I was expecting at all!

    Recent ace downloads:

    Team Sleep - 40x better than Head Automatica - less cod funk, more cool beats!

    Helmet - Size Matters - Smoother than the old stuff, no "exploding fax solos", but good!

    Suicide Note - You're Not Looking So Good - Noisy, violent stuff

    Jimmy Eat World - Pop-tastic. Love it.

    Jesu - Heart Ache. Hard to track down, but completely brilliant - Godflesh to the next level...

  4. The musical one. Honestly, I like a bit of noise, but the locust just seem like they're taking the piss. Maybe I just don't get it - I don't like Daughters or The Red Chord either. That said, I'm not a big DEP fan, but the luive footage is brilliant. The Locust are just boring to watch....

  5. C'mon - vol II - Nora, ETID, Hope Con, The Rise, Terror, Give Up The Ghost, Burnt By The Sun - all awesome!

    Vol III - DEP, No Warning, OneLineDrawing, AKAS, Norma Jean, The Bled - all awesome!

    Gotta agree - The Locust are awful on it.....

  6. Vol I, II or III?

    Vol II:

    Bloodlet, Diecast, Freya, OPen Hand, Nora, ETID, Bane, Found Dead Hanging, Bleeding Through, Coheed, Hope Con, The Rise, Reach The Sky, Terror, FATA, Give Up The Ghost, Stretch Armstrong, Shai Hulud, Burnt By The Sun, The Promise, Most Precious Blood, Death Threat, Merauder, Eighteen Visions, Throwdown, Lamb of God, Hatebreed

    Vol III:

    Red Chord, Biohazard, Walls OF Jericho, Anti-Flag, AKAS, Autopilot Off, Until The End, No Warning, MCR, FSF, Death Threat, Bleeding Through, Terror, ONELINEDRAWING, Bouncing Souls, FATA, Thursday, Figure Four, Hopesfall, Norma Jean, Stretch Armstrong, Locust, DEP,CKY (??????), BROTHERS kEEPER, Champion, Comeback Kid, Daughters, Ed Gein, First Blood, Foiund Dead Hanging, Full Blown Chaos, Murder By Death, The Bled, With Honour.

    Volume 2 is more consistent, volume 3 more varied. And both have bullshit moshcore mixed in. Some ace stuff though....

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