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Everything posted by ghost

  1. Will do. I see they're now making C1000S mics with a battery indicator - handy, if a little late. Thanks!
  2. There's no strumming in the track, well, nothing substantial anyway. Even miked close to the neck the input level is very low, boosting the gain on the mixer brings in noise. It's maybe just my playing style that's the problem! I NR & compress it a little using a software plug in, and it sounds a tad metallic - should I try just adjusting the EQ and level on the original track and not use compression at all? Sorry for the blatant thread steal. PS. Not sure if you can listen online, but the track in progress is at www.soundclick.com/iansimpson - called Siren.
  3. .. where's my CD? or did you get engrossed with the mixer?
  4. fantastic, have a pizza trophy.
  5. Perfecto! Looking forward to it. I've been getting tons of CDs recently... Re the mixer - if I understand correctly you feed all the mics into the mixer, then link the output to one of the inputs on the 8 track. Downside is that once you've done this you can't pan/adjust the drums anymore without re-recording, upside is that you have 7 tracks free. It's similar to recording 8 drum tracks onto the 8 track, then bouncing down to 1 track, thus freeing up the other 7.
  6. Re the point about only tuning up a note, if you tune down and use a capo it'll be easier on the strings. You've wowed me with your music theory knowledge Mr Christie. Do you take bookings? Mr Maxwell - what's this about last Orwell gig. ALREADY?! Good to see you on the same bill as Deadenstereo - think you'd like each other (maybe) - top blokes. But... would this mean you'd be looking for a band???... hmm...
  7. Obviously. Of course, I'd have to stuff everyone into a cupboard and they'd have to take turns on the ZX Spectrum, but apart from that... Sounds stressful. Hope it all works out in the end.
  8. hope they've sorted the transmitter problems, i want to HEAR it this year...
  9. t in the park - shudder. never again...
  10. Then same track at 500% speed should rock yer world.
  11. mAudio 410 also comes recommended from Tim Rafferty [www.rafferty.co.uk] - haven't tried it myself though...
  12. AKG C1000S - it cost me about 130 18months ago so perhaps it's sub 100 now? Cracking piece of kit especially if your vocal delivery is quiet / bassy (Shures are crap at picking up quiet vox). The only gripe I've got at the moment is that it needs a fair bit of compression to pick up fingerpicking (although it might be I need a new battery for the mic!).
  13. You're quite right - my eyes have deceived me. Apologies! I still think you could have made more of an effort to contact folk though - would have taken you the same amount of time to send an email than it did to post on this board.
  14. Oh! Just as well I looked otherwise I'd be turning up (no doubt with a few others on the list) - I know there are a lot of people signed up, but as the class size wasn't mentioned in the earlier posts/PMs couldn't an email have been sent out?! So, just to confirm, the 2nd course runs from 8th June until the 13th of July? Also, is there any alternative to registering at the college (as I presume it'll be closed over the summer)? I'll PM this to you too, just to make sure you get it...
  15. aw, i wanna badge.... (review tomorrow)
  16. Do you think they had a listen to their new tracks and knew they just couldn't make the cut? Naah... Think you'll see a surge in ticket sales now...
  17. Maybe he is atonal? Stranger things have happened...
  18. Dolly Parton: 9 to 5 played at 25% speed = headfuck.
  19. Ah yes - looking for a bit of tape hiss in my life once more. The cheaper the better to be honest, not looking for anything fancy - just something to get ideas down on.
  20. Tav, I'm with Hog - I didn't have that model, but I wish I'd kept my Tascam 4 track for exactly the reasons you mention. It's a bugger waiting for a PC to load when your brain is buzzing with ideas.
  21. Rip all music to your PC. ALL OF IT. Load each track into a wav editor and timestretch it 200%. Hit play - then you don't even need to bother plugging in the guitar.
  22. ghost

    goNORTH 2004

    The art of a press pack in a paragraph - well said.
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