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Everything posted by ghost

  1. She's cancelled. She's appearing at the meFM benefit bash instead. As a cleaner.
  2. She's mellowed out considerably....
  3. TOO MUCH GARNISH! [kairant]So is there anyone from this board coming along tomorrow night? Does anyone actually read this anymore? Perhaps we should combine all messageboards into one? [/kairant]
  4. Bellissimo! That snippet sounds excellent too.
  5. Would love to go (haven't seen Electric Tibet since aforementioned Microphones gig) but am at a wedding in the middle of nowhere. Bah.
  6. John Cromar = thumbs up. Slowly balancing electric toothbrushes on a screaming guitar for 40 minutes shows baws.
  7. By the way, that sample sounds absolutely astounding - much better recording!
  8. Wayhay, a free pint was that? I'm there.....
  9. Looks v interesting, but I have no electrical know-how. www.tonepad.com Thought I'd pass on the link for those who can...
  10. Thanks Ibid - I'll borrow another mic and try it out. In the past I've been recording two tracks separately with the AKG pointing between neck and body for one take and then at base of guitar. Combining them sounds pretty good for strumming tracks, but definitely need to try another mic position for fingerpicking.
  11. A great line up and only two days away! The great turnout last year helped to raise 500 for MeFM - hopefully we can get near that this year... who's up for intercepting Triptych punters?
  12. ghost


    Urm. *forgot* - was it good?
  13. ghost


    That's rather harsh....
  14. I've seen Del's flat. You think he'll wash up?! That's made me hungry though. I'm missing out on free tickets to see T Model ford for this...
  15. Don't forget to tip your 'at.. erm... hat.
  16. Thanks - was thinking about buying said album, but now may give it a miss. Ditto the Outkast double-cd - Hey Ya is by far the best track on it. Rest is pretty much standard fare.
  17. Watch your wallet Psydoll.... http://www.kittensinunderpants.com/image/ron_moody.jpg
  18. ghost

    Smoking Ban

    That's their penance for smoking... they'll soon learn.
  19. ghost

    Smoking Ban

    Interesting to see how many people have extreme viewpoints on smoking in general. How about smoking booths in venues like the ones you now see in airports? The smokers sit in a plexiglass bubble surrounded by extractor fans - it's a sight to see I tells ya. Of course, the problem of not being able to hear the music due to the industrial whir could be remedied by giving them all headphones jacked straight into the mixing desk....
  20. It is. And for Tav: http://www.turnkey.co.uk/tkweb/stockdetail.jsp?sku=AKG-C1000S&context=WEB 109 - you won't beat it.
  21. thanks - so guitar overcompressed, vox undercompressed? the vocal track is actually doubled with a touch of reverb on one channel. that might be what's causing the modulation.
  22. .. or the spaceship size 8:4:2 I've currently got in my loft? Once I've sorted out how to set it up (and build an extra room to house it) phantom power will definitely help...
  23. Lofimusic Review Station... erm... review. There's A Good Reason For This... Really - Noise Pollution www.noisepollutiononline.co.uk I picked up this four track EP after listening to 'You or Them' for a review swap. It's professionally packaged (I felt for the poor guitar) and nicely priced at 2, however you have to buy the CD from them at a gig to get the pin badge. On the basis of this CD, I recommend catching one of their live shows. Sound wise, the band are no more than a few steps left of pub rock standard fare, a blend of mid 90s influence and the hook of a 'Best Rock Riffs in the world ever!' compilation - however, all songs on this EP are original and the majority are suited to driving long straight roads or alcohol-fuelled dancefloor stomps - in short, once you've exhausted all 'spot the riff' opportunities you're still left with a very listenable CD. 'Something' seems to be a song about judging folk by their appearances or about the first day in a new town/job. The chorus is rather catchy with 'do their smiles conceal something too?' echoing in your head long after the CD has stopped spinning. I could hear this on some angsty teen film soundtrack, probably in an upbeat high-five celebratory scene, and although originally I thought it weaker than 'You or Them' (and therefore a strange choice to open the EP), it's grown on me considerably. 'You or Them' certainly has teeth, I love the guitar and bass interplay in this song. Lyrical theme seems to be very similar: 'painted masks on, hidden expressions' suggesting mistaken belief in someone's morals - although this song seems to be written from the point of view of someone looking back at an incident whereas 'Something' seems more paranoid and an anticipation of things to come. The more I convince myself that this is the case, the more I agree with the logical ordering of these songs. I'm probably way off track, but I'll sleep easy tonight. 'Destructive Obsession' just isn't my cup of tea I'm afraid and I'm beginning to realise it's all down to a god-awful CD I bought in the mid-90s: L7's 'Bricks Are Heavy' to be precise. That waste of aluminium foil was a combination of punchless riffs, monotonous vocal delivery and fourth rate lyrical content, and unfortunately this track can pretty much be slotted in the same pigeon hole. Deja vu with the theme - again a warning to listeners not to judge character by looks alone, but this time from the point of view of someone wanting to fit in. It does at least attempt to show balls with a nice crunchy solo, but is left far behind by either of the previous tracks. Last track 'Rock and/or Roll' is perfectly suited to a live set, with a return to the strong instrumentation. It's one of these songs which isn't interested in sending a sincere message to listeners, it just wants to get folk out of their seats. I really like the 'lets rock!' hook in the chorus, my left hand struggling in an attempt to form the devil sign (almost, I caught myself in time!). One gripe about this track is the galloping double drumming in the chorus which sounds like someone slapping a pen on a plastic folder, but yes a nice end to the CD and a definite foot tapper. Overall, it's hard not to recommend this (especially at the price), but skip track 3 to prolong enjoyment. Hopefully we'll hear more from this band.
  24. No worries - won't get it until tonight anyway...
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