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Blair Quik

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Everything posted by Blair Quik

  1. I fucking hate Craig and I'm so glad he's out. Do you reckon he put down on his application "Occupation......gay rapist"? What a shame for Eugene though, if he knew that by not taking the money the prize would've have doubled he totally would've done that, but Big Bro didn't tell him that and now people think he's a greedy bastard. I still want him to win, even though he is boring.
  2. I'm a techie teacher at meldrum academy in Old Meldrum, and my salary can be easily found on the net if you're that interested.
  3. HNDs are qualifications awarded by the SQA, just like standard grades and highers, so I imagine you should have your results by now, or be getting them pretty soon as this is the time of year the SQA process all their results. Although if you did your HND at college don't they have some kind of presentation ceremony? If they did but you chose to not go, or if they just didn't have one then as I say, your certificate should be on it's way. UCAS won't tell RGU automatically, they're quite simply a middle man and won't know anything about your prospective HND. So I would suggest as soon as you know you've passed, get on the blower direct to RGU letting them know. They'll probably ask for some form of confirmation like a faxed/photocopied version of your certificate.
  4. I've got two big red balls on my back where brian fudge shot me during the balloon game. I just had to incorporate 'I've got two big red balls' somehow!
  5. They're no more an infringement on privacy than a national insurance number, driving license or passport. One card with all the information required rather than loads of cards busting out your wallet. Hard to get unless your completely legit., in the same way as passport. Improved security, with a reduction in beurocracy and cost to the tax payer, so funds can be channeled out of the civil service into schools and hospitals. I think ID cards are a good idea.
  6. Great stuff. Found the perfect neck on warmoth website. Maple neck and fretboard, black dot inlays and binding. MMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Hey, I'm looking to replace the neck on my Jazz Bass. Ideally I'm looking for a USA made neck made in maple, with a maple finger board. Anyone know if there's one going spare, or if there's any dealers that would have one?
  8. Definately agree there, the Ashdown rig you've got is the same as mine and it does the job nicely. The cab's not the best in the world, but for the money you pay it can't be bad. I'd recommend a 4x10 cab, as they sound the shit! Personally I hate 15" speakers as there's either no clarity to the sound, or no matter how you EQ your amp you get a stupid trebley ping all the time. Check ebay as there as some amazing bargains going. Incidentally, I saw a vintage solid state Ampeg head go for 280. How gutted was I due to the fact it was about 2 weeks before my student loan came in.
  9. Cheers Spoon Dogg, although I think I need MORE TREBLE!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! Anyhoo, I'd go for: Spoonie (the obvious choice) Alex MMW (nice bass lines, simple when it needs to be with interesting bits too) Fish Gu (great playing attitude, very agile!)
  10. I think we should focus the question a bit more. How about 'Whos the best punk band in Scotland with a name that starts with Q' for example. Or perhaps 'what is your favourite punk band from Scotland that ryhmes with 'stick' and have a high scoring scrabble letter somewhere in their name'.
  11. King Adora....I know they're still going, but they should've went much further. Surprised noone's mentioned Allysas Wish yet.
  12. Wow, 120 in the moorings? How the fuck could you do that? No way is that in-the-event-of-fire safe!
  13. Massive shout goes out to everyone who came to Moshulu last night, to experience our return show. At Long Last were fucking awesome! Second gig? Bloody hell they're good! PMX were great as usual, Dirtbox too (although the set seemed a bit short . Great to be back on stage again after so long. Keep an eye ot for our next show which should have another new song "The Beginning of The Ret of The Future" as well as a completely rewritten version of "Second Chance" if anyone remembers that one?! We'll count that one as a new song too: it's very different. Anyway, once again, cheers! PS: Anyone get filmed by the tv cameras?
  14. Hey guys! Cheers to all who came along last night and made it a great show. Unfortunately I lost my phone last night, so all my numbers have gone. Got a new sim card so my numbers the same. If you think I had your number will you fire me a pm with it please? Mr coconut ass I'm looking at you in particular!
  15. Well yeah, but let's not forget that the producer can't be totally blamed here. I mean, Pennywise worked with Brett Gurewitz on one of their records and it sounds shite, but that was down to their guitar player. Oh, Brett G wouldn't be a bad choice either.
  16. Do i get a slap if I say Bob Rock? The Quik Black Album.....oh yeah! Wouldn't mind Rob Cavallo or Jerry Finn. And I'd have a video done by Darren Doane. Sorry if I spelled that wrong.
  17. Somebody actually LIKES Peavy bass amps? Bleugh. I'll stick to my ashdown.
  18. I'd like (in no particular order): My Minds Weapon The Xcerts At Long Last Stayover Bug and Friends (if there was a jazz tent) Bodies (if they still play gigs) Metallica
  19. Anyone needing tickets fire me a pm.
  20. Quik (a bit like Onion Terror but not really) Dirtbox (probably like to listen to Onion Terror) PMX (roman numerals that translate as Onion Terror) At Long Last (scared of onions) Moshulu Sunday 17th April 7.30pm
  21. Hate to highjack your board for shameless self promotion, but don't forget: This Sunday at Moshulu - Quik, Dirtbox, PMX, At Long Last. 7.30pm Love you! xxx
  22. THATS RIGHT! (insert bo selecta michael jackson smiley here)
  23. One bad thing though: I interviewed their guitar player for the student magazine and he was a boring bastard!
  24. Oh god, here we go, the age old punk debate. We're not dilute copyists, our music has nothing to do with what was going on in 1976. Seriously absolutely nothing. But, I can't just say 'yeah and we're all really good music by the way'. Potayto potato you know? What would YOU call it?
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