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Everything posted by lepeep

  1. I tweaked my ankle at the SkatePark on thursday, I just thought I'd share my delightful apendage with you. it's strange, "it just swelled up and went all purple"...I felt like a young teenager again....ho ho (finar finar)
  2. I could put up a photo of the hairy banjo I play with at home...but I don't think the wife would be happy. and I think there is a size limit on the meat flute I can upload...finar finar. PS, I think someone cut his blow with Vim. PPS...I think Jimmy Saville raped the guy from Green Day (Billie Joe Armstrong) and had this dude.
  3. he plays three times a week with them.
  4. that's a good thing, if you are going to america. they'd have him shot instantly if he'd brought arms to the US of A. (unless they were bought by the government.....of course).
  5. lepeep


    I fully sympathise. I used to have a psycho upstairs neighbour who delighted in jumping up and down on his floor (my roof), playing Celine Dijon Mustard full blast, drilling, hammering washing machine on at 2 am (above my bedroom) etc.getting dunk and threatening my partner (whos flat it was) Wed had the delightful police out several times nothing we can do but warn him and the last time they (read Pigs) didnt even speak to us they knocked on his door had a few words, then got back in their car not a peep to us (whats happeneing, let us know etc), the cunt upstairs then jumps up and down on the floor shouting you are my fucking problem now (I call out to the pigs getting into their car hes kicking off again nothing we can do about it and drive off. So, me and the gf get in the car (3 am) and drive out to skene (I was working next day)..eyes like pissholes in the snow. Upshot is we moved (sad that was the only solution). I did have murder fantasties etcbut thought that was a bit of a no goamazing what the brain will tell you to do when in extreme stress. (I probably enjoy watching CSI because of it ho ho). - Ive got no helpful advice other than move. (and thats not possible in this day and age with house prices the way they are) peep
  6. do you think the guy in the leather jacket has just poked his newly formed prostate with his left index finger?
  7. I'd finally got the Gutter twins lp....hmm....why is it that everything gred dulli (sp?) touches, always sounds the same? (the wife loves it...so that's alright!) I'd also bought: future kings of spain (1 from Groucho's as a "that looks interesting" - it's run of the mill weezer / nirvana wanabee guitar music) Jack Dangers - music for planetariums madness - complete madness (first LP I ever bought...in 1981)
  8. it'd be simple to disperse too...just drop sterility chemicals into white lightning...
  9. yes...I hate watching a babies grow up without the right language tools...ho ho
  10. me neither now!... I need to nab it and host it myself! BRB howzat?
  11. Seen this on a geeky mac interface seminar video....don't ask me why.
  12. george michael on "hey sucker"
  13. oh me!... I've just downloaded some DRI, CRO MAGS & SACRED REICH! I am 16 again!... ho ho... has anyone else had a sudden urge to revisit the classic thrash stuff? (I can't believe how clunky and simple it was!)... and now, listening to Prong, realise how complex and bonkers it was ! (I didn't know what 6/4 was back then!)
  14. HI , my name is David Bowie, and I can do crystal magic, me.
  15. There is a lady in my wife's "baby club" who's sister in law was the girl with the "odd broken leg"... her femur was shattered, and they are doing extensive reconstructive surgery on it - she might not be able to walk "properly" again...her son was also trapped under the motorbike, and she kept trying to stand and go over to him, with a flappy, shattered leg, that's not possible... so have a think about what your perceive these injurites to be. and have a think about a motorbike smashing into you, and what the experience would do to you (mentally as well as physically).
  16. guitar players... I don't get it, all they do is move their fingers over a fret board whilst "strumming"...it just looks so easy!........ ah!....
  17. he's got one of those voices you either love or hate...me, I'm loving it. 4AD - Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago MySpace.com - Bon Iver - Northwestern, US - Neo-soul - www.myspace.com/boniver
  18. I'd been given a copy of the Bon Iver LP "for emma, forever away"....(4AD) lovely smokes.
  19. I was thinking about getting one...but, I've just got a jack to jack, stick it in my soundcard (tower PC)...and record it with soundforge or audacity.... I've never had any problems with it. so no need to buy a new deck..
  20. he he... You are absolutely right, he in no way walked away from or dodge that statement... nor did he "Allude" to that sentiment either. ahh, don't love a pedant in a piss poor argument? Kind of spices up the already shit conversation.
  21. I'll be a while in even getting to posting "outcomes"...but, I'll keep you posted here... a trip to Maplin or on DABs is called for...
  22. thanks for that Stripey, I had a sneaking suspicion you might know of some decent links! I'd never thought of putting "robot" in, as you say, plenty of interesting links there... cheers
  23. Has anyone got any good links / sites for taking apart old pocket PC's and using their screens / motherboards for "other" purposes? I've got 14 or so of them (iPAQ H3600)...and I want to turn them into display screens for a video installation (or something)... anyone got any ideas? I've tried searches for "iPAQ cracks" "iPAQ dissasemble" "iPAQ customization" etc...but they all seem to point to "standard" fixing of iPAQs... some proper circuit bending would be good... any takers?
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