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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. all the big events usually ocnveniently fall on a monday when there is two episodes one, or a friday maybe. I can't wait till she dies
  2. all soaps use the same main story lines they just go round on a cycle. The only differnece is htat corries subplots are far funnier.
  3. he said bourbons were a real mans biscuit, after his "goth" son selected a pink wafer. It was comedy gold.
  4. It was terrible, i'm quite suprised anyone could like it that much.
  5. Also the neighbourhood watch story line is genius, anything heavily involving norris is genius.
  6. The office is far better than little britain, LoG is good, but oyu're right it is over-rated.
  7. are the clips from the pilto episode, i htink that only the first episode is based on the original episode, the rest are completely new, which could be well
  8. people who want to kill themselves don't usually take the pills then go to hospital.
  9. I guess it's just the history of reading and the likely hood of leeds ending up in riots.
  10. yeah c'mere thats it. And yes Interpol > U2
  11. they were great at reading in 2003. On a side note though, their new song is terrible. Don't think i'll bother getting antics if that and evil are any guide.
  12. i know of it, and heard litlle bits, but thats all, i'd like to hear more though.
  13. corrie was on top form last night, just a shame that the absolutly terrible acting of katy and her mum is spoiling it just now. I don't think i've ever seen anything as bad, not even in river city or sunset beach.
  14. I got SYR3 from virgin, i'd never seen any of the SYR (sonic youth recordings) series in shops here before.
  15. it's been known about for ages. I haven't seen it, but from what i've heard, most americans who have seen the original, don't really rate this, but expect it to be quite succesful.
  16. Pixies Queens Of The Stone Age The Coral Elbow Foo Fighters The Charlatans Marilyn Manson Iggy & The Stooges Nofx Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Bloc Party The Futureheads the arcade fire these bands i would watch although wouldn't be bothered about missing a couple if there happened to be some one better on at the same time the coral, arcade fire and bloc party are the bands i haven't seen that i am really looking forward to
  17. Andy Dow was a legend, well for one season anyway. His goal in the scottish cup semi final against hibs was great, and he scored a few other crackers that year.
  18. I really hope the arcade fire play, after missing out on tickets for their glasgow show. Interested in seeing which acts are confirmed tonight.
  19. Whelans goal was ace, but the dundee goal, well, worst. goal. ever. Dissapointing that hibs won as well, my cousin who's a dunfermline fan sent me a message when they scored, and in the second half i was joping no news was good news, until i heard the score . A bit worrying theat riorden is back on form.
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