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Dizzy Storm

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Everything posted by Dizzy Storm

  1. just let me know when you're ready to gig again....
  2. right im posting this here so the whole band can see it and so there's no confusion with bad communication...!! MACROCOSMICA are playing here on 27th september and you were one of the bands they asked for as support! Macrocosmica are heavy rock from glasgow - absolutely brilliant - played here last week and blew us away - even did a really good Black Sabbath cover in their set! so i guess they're into their metal if they want you to play....! whaddya say?!
  3. ...leave a message here! couple of dates have become free.... ta!
  4. good line up for 4!! this wednesday remember!!
  5. awww dont tease us like that! i thought you were gonna say you would play! boo!
  6. unfortunately the Cherrykicks have had to cancel the gig as advertised in our listings.... but we will still be open from 8pm and live music will be supplied by GAUCHE and THE DIURETICS also superstar dj'ing from TV TANNED if any other bands want to step in at the last minute and play too then get in touch....!!
  7. STAFF???? We don't have Staff, they just turn up and serve drinks. Jim
  8. tYRANT lLIZARD kINGS!!! WHAT A WONDEROUS NOISE THEY MAKE! This end of the world does not hear it enough nor anything like it!!! Fan Fucking Tastic!!!! Jim
  9. tomorrow night at Dr Drakes... Tyrant Lizard Kings (www.ttlk.com) and Healing Abigail (used to be called Odema and played with Tar at their last ever gig as part of Foyer Live) are from Edinburgh Gracious Argo - formerly known as Castigate Usefull Idiot - members of 2 local bands having a bit of fun covering Tool 8pm 3
  11. i'm desperately trying to sort something else while i type! yes there will still be a gig, the 2 local bands will still play, and you can still dj if you want... so, anyone want a gig???
  12. looks like line up is now.... PMX SLAPHAPPY MUFF SUP look out for newsletter with band details.... craig, think we'll just keep it to 4 bands since its a school night etc etc - so are you cool with sitting this one out after all?! sharon
  13. consider yourself condemed to purgatory
  14. Re: any news waiting to hear from ET. bonesaw are confirmed. \m/
  15. me! i remember! although i shouldn't admit it....how long ago was that?! oh the memories....
  16. gilman street de barros exit philosophy i'm not telling you the order. doors are in 45 minutes (8pm) and it'll cost you a quid a band. special guest dj kris mills we'll be playing some electric eel shock though, don't you worry bring it \m/
  17. you're djing at 9. come along about 8.45 and ring the front door bell. tell fadgin too craigy - umm, does it? i don't think anyone asked me
  18. WE DONT KNOW!!!!! SORRY!!!
  19. right, nicky casino - the man, the legend - is taking his dvd player!! woo hoo! so bring down what you want to watch and we'll have a vote!! we'll be open from 6......but we wont put on any film till after 7 i think
  20. thats a fudge classic isn't it?! a deadloss gig on the same night as a LOCO night....
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