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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. FUCK! I knew that I had to go somewhere else tonight!
  2. Oooo....11? I might just be able to come along, at least, I hope so.
  3. hey, i'm sure a broken leg and maybe a mashed arm wouldn't stop me from turning up, i'm a stubborn bastard
  4. of course i'll be at the Moorings, unless I get hit by a bus or something..
  5. the rumours were true then?
  6. Some photos from last night - I'm adding more to my gallery if anyone wants a look. On stage Rawkstars Lucy & Maxi from KA blurry camera nonsense
  7. ....i missed this? any chance of mp3's? please? i'll do anything...
  8. Yes, just so everyone is aware, you must all go to the next cuts gig, good things will happen there, i promise. it'll be worth the money. indeedles. you can even play me at the arcade machine, which makes it definitely worth your while
  9. Hey, I have to maintain my credibility here I'm liking what I've heard of The Gloria Flaw's free CD though, so i'm going to make the effort to see them again
  10. woaaaaaaah, I had fun..
  11. Cloud


    27 is a fantastic song, metallica are fantastic for singing out of car windows (for whom the bell tolls can be awesome at the right minute), sikth suck, and music is great
  12. DDG Records one, first line on the opening page
  13. confusion means people are talking about it, so don't complain (and change the website
  14. Cloud

    Very daft query..

    Re: Bust Fantastic, thank you for your help It's fascinating that they're actually PC's though, I didn't realise that before (despite it being blatantly obvious now).
  15. But what about DDG Records? Are they still the child of Interlude?
  16. This is going to sound so stupid, but where did you get your tills from? I was looking in Makro and somewhere else for them, but they just have really basic ones which aren't any use to me - I presume that you've got really decent ones because you're able to charge different prices at different times without needing to refer to a load of different lists - and I need a couple of tills that'll do exactly that. Oh, and while I'm at it, do you accept credit cards? and if so, any ideas on how to go about accepting them?
  17. I'd definitely be interested in seeing you guys again - it was definitely the highlight of the night as far as I was concerned, the rest of the bands just didn't do anything for me at all.
  18. I'm looking for anyone locally who might want to be featured on a rawkstar.net CD - it doesn't matter who you are, or indeed what you play - any contributions would be gratefully recieved. If anyone's interested, mail me at michael@rawkstar.net or send me a pm - or even reply here if you wish. As I said above, we're looking to feature anyone and everyone, it's more about getting people's music out there than looking for anything that might line our own pockets. Anything and everything will be very gratefully recieved and featured
  19. Cloud

    Xs Relocat

    Hmm, Husker Du comparisons? I may have to catch their next gig on the basis of that alone
  20. Ahh, I was basically talking to people the entire time upstairs and not really watching the bands, which is something that "scenesters" do apparently Just read a few arguments on here about gig attendance, that'll teach you all you need to know I really liked Small Enclosed Area, but the others were a bit too...i don't know, watery? And Jetplane did nothing at all for me, to be brutally honest.
  21. Cloud


    woah, Ross, Running the Summit is very sweet indeed..i like it
  22. and I didn't see you, something to do with being a blatant scenester i think
  23. Cloud

    sounding good

    You're into antique tractors, Flash? Well, I never
  24. 6, I think.. (and yeah, you're over the age of 14, you're way too old to be a king adora fan )
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