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Jim Stax

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Everything posted by Jim Stax

  1. Cool Its gonna be like a weird fucked up version of a 'strip booth parlour' with folk peeping in doors to see what is going on... I like it! Just hope the bands dont think the same and act on it
  2. Steady You used the term "narrowminded" That could almost be construde as being slight negativity in a general sweeping way... Lets not have a quick come down On an earlier point, it is fair to say that "some good has come of Drakes closing down". There were many reasons for doing so and the hope that what is being discussed here would happen was a major one. Although it looks like I'm going to have bleedin debt following me around for god knows how long! And that is why I never look like I miss the little scuzzy money pit! (I do though) or Back on the positive tip... There does seem to be a lot more people going to, most, gigs these days... That alone raises the bar and inspires promoters!
  3. Gosh Its as if this web site is breathing a big healthy contented sigh for the first time...
  4. Shock I actually saw 'industry' folk watching bands! Then leaving quickly to watch more bands... I have to say that, regardless of what people think and personal opinions, this is a fairly important event and realy must be supported by all in whatever manner... C'mon abidee... Lets get off the politicogeographical high horse and enjoy yourselfs... Accept the fact that there will be politics and agendas involved and get over it... Jimbob onlygotonefreedrinkattheshmoozefest Ewen
  5. Me thinks The ' speaking to the right people' thing that keeps rearing its head, doesn't for me, hold any substance. There are times when this may be the cse and will be backed up by the the band doing the talking, more or less, desrving of the attention. If, as has been mentioned, the bands are rubbish then I seriously doubt that many of the arguments about corruption are valid... Also... What if they those choosing just didn't like what Jo is doing and thought it not worhty of a place? (devils avocate again Some of the bands I have been in in the past have played gigs where there was talk of shennanigans behind the scenes to our benefit. None of these rumours were ever true. Yes we knew people, and still do, but it was never acted on! Jim
  6. Huh... Was it?! Ah well... I had forgotten by the third post coz of my advanced age. I'm off to get my loud patterned waistcoat and stick an advert up in Bruce Millers for a new covers band to play the Globe etc... Thats all I should expect now... TIFUCK!!!!!! (I think the points made still stand though) Hey... At what age should you stop spiking your hair?
  7. Cheers abidee This is quite funny if looked at in relation to the thread about age...
  8. Cough I ain't getting into this one, much. Been playing live more recently and got the hunger back! Hunger for playing that is. Creativity doesnt recognise an age thingy... Now where's my big slippers, tartan blanket and glass for my teeth! I don't think I have 'ever' considered my age in relation to anything I do or wish to do! If you are worried about it at 23 then you need to take a hard look at yourself and what you want... I was 32 before it started slowly falling into place... And it has continued to change on an almost daily basis! Wouldn't change it at all. Might change a hip soon though... Jim
  9. Yeah but some guy built a pyramid without planning permission and everyone went to see that one and ignored the rest... He lost a few dog headed friends for about a month and then they all got on again!
  10. A & R They don't pay a blind bit of attention when they are here! But I'm playing T in the Park so what do I care... Half hour set in a big empty tent... unless its pissin it down!
  11. Who is Pete ye spikey haired loon?
  12. But No SEA which sucks farts from dead cats!
  13. Staccato Set and AKA The Fox been confirmed to play T in the Park in a tent to five lost folk. J
  14. I'm not even familiar with any ones work but I just lovd the charm and simplicity that I felt I must join in. I am going though so I may do this move on the night! Jim
  15. I Thought All the bands apart from SEA and SS were ace min! Worthy of repeated listens on my ipod... (aziff) Bonny pic of Ziggy and a vinegar face. I imagine the reviewer liking everything in the whole wide world forever and ever and ever. I mean... Draw?!!!! J
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