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Everything posted by Alkaline

  1. Dude, you know the score. i only give, i don't recieve. if you can't deal with that then who knows..........
  2. I'm going too, with stephen. but not in a ghey way.
  3. That was pretty funny, don't quite know how something sick like this coulda slipped under my radar, but hey, i came across it now and boy did it make me chuckle
  4. Well suffice it to say i ain't coming to see you haha, u know i love u really
  5. Fuck you biatch- change your band info fannybaws, u aint in a prissy gaycore band now!!!
  6. Soul on Union Street is really good for food, and has a nice atmosphere and friendly staff
  7. Wooooo Hoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can actually come this year, barring some unfortunate injury/illness or death. I will be in a suit too, so laydees watch out!!
  8. Generally its more to do with your managers personal preferences than with company policy, which is shit. i sell tvs in bruce millers and i've got tattoos on both my forearms which are clearly visible to the general public and i also have my ear pierced and they aren't bothered about it at all. As long as you're good at your job, they shouldn't mind.
  9. it's the truth officer my good man, fucking awesome.
  10. Do you play guitar? Do you like heavy music? Do you want to be in a band? If so, get your finger out and go here: http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20273
  11. *Bump* any other takers, got a few folk interested but still willing to give other people the chance too.
  12. Yeah, i think it is. I mean you definately have to be able able to holds a note. There are several shining examples of this: Howard from Killswitch (Screams in key and has an awesome operatic voice too) and Greg from Dillinger (Ditto, though less of a great 'clean' vocal). Regardless, its definately a talent- well i hope so 'cause its one of my only ones.
  13. nope, other people didn't beat it with people like david beckham and somebody managed to make it think george formby was daniel beddingfield. Point to Phil Wooo Hooo
  14. Huzzzahhh!!! i beat it as kate beckinsale!!!! woo hoo!!
  15. I think i'm pretty cute But no, seriously, in real life: SnowWhite, Princess, Emma, Danger Lucy, Rainbow Princess
  16. Well its been a long time since i first posted looking for people on here, but the line-up is almost complete. We are looking for a fairly acomplished guitarist with previous gigging experience and some experience of writing. Age not that much of a problem although prefferably early/mid twenties to keep with the current dynamic. I suppose i'd better clue you in to wot style of music we are: well, if you think Killswitch Engage meets Dillinger Escape Plan meets Shai Hulud, you're on the right track. You must have a passion for music and a a fair bit of spare time as we are about to start writing. If you are interested pm me(Phil) here or email/msn me on fromherashes@hotmail.com with a bit of info on yourself i.e wot sort of music u listen to, previous experience etc Cheers Phil
  17. You just gotta strike a balance between wot u love doing and wot you're good at, don't let guidance teachers/parents push you into anything. by all means listen to them, but remember it's a choice that will affect wot u can do in the future, and you won't want to do something that won't make you happy. christ, i think that may have been the most mature thing i've ever said. strange
  18. Dude u really are a self-righteous prat
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