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Everything posted by paranoid

  1. 1.Plateau 2.Polly (new wave) 3.Heart Shaped Box 4.Pennyroyal Tea 5.Come As You Are
  2. I could always spot people who either were in a public service position, or had been at some point in their life. They would make your job as easy as they could. Little things like moving all the crap your trying to clear up closer to you or moving out of your way. It's a nice thing to recieve on a weekend when your rushed off your feet serving arrogant bastards who think they are the centre of the universe.
  3. My girlfriend has one of their CDs. Tis good. Not really much point to this post. :O
  4. Watch you don't kick yourself in the head with those knee-jerks. Just don't read any of the threads, then they won't get to you.
  5. You seem to be clutching at these now -
  6. Joey Jordinson and Lil' Pig
  7. Static HTML. And no, we wouldn't be able to change anything about the system without a shit-load of fuss, being public sector and all that...
  8. My works website which I designed and update as part of my job http://www.grampianfrs.org.uk
  9. YOU ARE 7 % EMO ! Okay... so you're not emo at all.. you're probably not even goth, because goths are just messed up emo kids... you're probably a metal head... or into boy bands...
  10. My mate and I are going out as.....Twiztid!
  11. Chris (Bench drummer) is a mate of mine, so I first went along to Bench gigs as a bit of support for him, but I thought they were so good and different that I started taking my mates along. I bought the album they made, and I found an early demo of their stuff in the CD drive of my computer at college so that'll end up on Ebay when they hit the big time!
  12. Rant? I've grown tired of this fucking arguement.
  13. Bizzar/Bizaar (double album) - ICP Freekshow - Twiztid Volume 3 - the subliminal verses - Slipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat - Slipknot Vulgar Display of Power - Pantera Scars - Soil Mechanical Animals - Marilyn Manson
  14. It will rock. Oh Ross or Rob, the link to madcapsulemarkets.com on the moshulu website links to Therapy?'s website.
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