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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2009 in all areas

  1. I saw in the paper or on the news a week or two ago that Brewdog were having some land dispute with Aberdeenshire Council. Can't remember what it was about. It seems to me that a lot of people are trying to stand in their way, but good on them for doing so well thus far, and hopefully they can keep it going. Think I'm right in saying it's two young lads who graduated with business degrees from RGU and just had the balls to go for it, and it seems to have paid off. These morons that keep up the argument that they are encouraging binge drinking are unbelievably stupid. When I was too young to drink, and even as a young adult/student, there's no way on earth I'd have opted for Brewdog (had it existed). We always went for cheap deals on bottles/tins of beer, and spirits. There is now an unbelievable range of alcopops aimed directly at teenagers, and even without this or without Brewdog (who shouldn't even be in this argument), kids will continue to get pissed, and adults will continue to binge drink until our society changes (or they take ALL alcohol off the shelves - which won't happen, and shouldn't need to). There is such a terrible culture in Scotland (and the UK) at the moment, and it's been getting gradually worse. People eat too much (and eat all the wrong foods), and get fat and unhealthy, people drink far too much alcohol, and get fat, unhealthy, liver disease etc, and smoke far too much cigarettes, and get unhealthy, heart disease, cancer etc. People need to be educated better. I had a discussion with my mother in law the other week who is a retired home economics teacher, and she was talking about in "her day" when they got a decent amount of time to teach kids about healthy eating and cooking etc. It's been reduced to about an hour a week (if that), same for P.E. The Government needs to wise up and realise that Maths and English are not the be all and end all of education. Kids need to be fit and healthy and taught about being fit and healthy - it's far more important in the grand scale of things. It's all well and good having people who know how to long divide, and write good stories, but if they're shacked up in hospital having suffered from a bastard stroke, unable to speak or use their right leg, it won't do them much fucking use. /rant.
    2 points
  2. I just feel I would like to have my say on this whole situation.. First of all Justin is right we did play the Tunnels... sorry ROCKED the tunnels that night! We had grown men who usually listen to oasis and BRMC tapping their feet to a SPICE GIRLS song for god sake, name me another all girl punk/pop band that has done that in the Tunnels....And you know why? Because we just like to have fun........ and its infectious. We dont claim to be brilliant musicians as most young bands these day do... signed or unsigned.... yes we are passionate about what we do.... but if its all about ''being famous'' we would have tried a show like this 4 years ago.... yes 4 years ago... we have been together for 6 years... slogging our guts out gigging all over the counrty only as a vocal band... and got so bored and pis*ed off having to hire session musicians to back us that we thought f**k it... lets just learn to back ourselves.....'' I can not explain the reason we entered... because I honestly dont know... ? but what I do know is... there is no point looking back thinking we wish we had not done that.... Regarding playing a cover.... well thats what happens with reality telly... you dont get to play original material..... many things happen on that show which I would just LOVE to tell you about, but as I am on a contract not to ''discuss the show'' with anyone.... I cant... but what I will say... is its a TV show.... Diesel....You have respect for susan boyle? But not us girls who write and play our own material? we have worked our way up the ''club'' circuit pheonix nights style for many years I can assure you. I cant help but feel sad that people feel the need to slag off something they saw in total less than 1 minute of on the telly.... (lets be honest...the technicians sound checked my drum mic's by flicking the mic heads.... YES FLICKING THE MIC HEADS!!!!- Great... 14 million people and you flick my drum mic heads to see if they are on... not if they are in tune... but to see if they are on!!! I am NO technician... but I know how to sound check my drum kit and thats not the way its done) Well folks Next time we are playing the Tunnels... come along with no pre-judgement... you never know... You may even enjoy yourself... God forbid!!! But thanks for all your support the rest of you guys xx Lots of love Paisley xx Britchix | Britchixrock P.s - if you think paisley is a stupid name... take it up with my mum.
    1 point
  3. George Lamb is a cunt of the highest order. I am scared to listen to 6 Music now in case he might just appear bellowing "SHABBA" for no good reason.
    1 point
  4. My two six strings cost almost 160 a piece and my effects pedal was about 45 (all new) and I still sound shite. What gives?
    1 point
  5. I dare you to go back to the Broch, walk into the Ship, stand on a table and make that declaration whilst clutching your manbag.
    1 point
  6. Thing is, Wright and Higdon are basically the same type of player, whereas Mackie, like him or not, offers something different, and could play on the right of McGhee's front 3. Plus, Mackie's scoring record is better than Higdon's, despite having being played out wide quite a bit. Wright's record is a bit better, but he's never fit. To paraphrase Lady Gaga: I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me Darren Darren Mackie Baby, there's no other superstar, I know that you'll be my Darren Darren Mackie
    1 point
  7. Dont think Gok Wan posts on here
    1 point
  8. Pity the lightning didn't hit oasis..... sorry I tfelt like it was right above our building yesterday cracking thunder & lightning almost instantly together...then down pour the rain wasn't even making it into the drains on the building across from us just gushing off the roof! ACE I'd love to go Storm Chasing....one of my life ambitions!
    1 point
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